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Help free James Stewart, the raw 'milkman' of California, who remains illegally imprisoned in Ventura County

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Oct. 5, 2012

(NaturalNews) It has been more than two months now since we reported that the new legal team representing California raw "milkman" James Stewart initiated its filing of a motion to dismiss all the charges levied against Stewart by the Ventura County District Attorney's office ( -- but to this day, Stewart is still sitting in jail for absolutely no justifiable reason, and with no end in sight. So to help him out, Angela Doss from has created a petition urging that Stewart be immediately freed from his unlawful imprisonment, and that all the ridiculous charges filed against him be immediately dropped.

The continued persecution of James Stewart by the Ventura County DA's office dates back as far as 2008 when this rogue government entity first set out to destroy both Rawesome Foods, the private food cooperative that Stewart created so his friends and neighbors could gain access to the clean foods of their choice, and Sharon Palmer, a supplier of food for the club and owner of Healthy Family Farms. Over the course of several years, both Stewart and Palmer were arrested and had their properties raided numerous times by reprobate government thugs with an apparent agenda of destroying both Rawesome and the raw milk movement in California.

In addition to trying to drive Palmer's farm out of business, these Nazi-esque miscreants threw Stewart in prison, accusing him of criminal behavior that he clearly did not commit. Though the Ventura County DA's office has been wholly unable to produce any credible evidence against either Stewart or Palmer in their hot pursuit of these champions of food freedom, Stewart has yet to be released from his illegal detention. And because of a total media blackout on the case, Stewart could remain jailed indefinitely with no recourse as his abusers continue to deny him his constitutional right to due process.

You can read more about the history of events in the case here:


Your help is needed to get the word out and bring justice for James Stewart, Sharon Palmer

The Ventura County DA's office is clearly grandstanding its unsubstantiated case against James Stewart, even though this corrupt entity has proven that it has no real case against him. But because the continued oppression against this innocent man and his food freedom ally Sharon Palmer is taking place without any mainstream media attention, it is up to the people to raise awareness about it and demand that justice be served.

As explained in the petition, the Ventura County DA's charges against both Sharon Palmer and James Stewart are completely unjustified. And neither Palmer nor Stewart have been treated fairly in accordance with the Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. From the very beginning, the DA's office raided Palmer's farm on false charges, alleging that she did not possess a proper license when she actually did. And from there, the state took the liberty to repeatedly abuse its power by persecuting two individuals who have committed no crimes.

Be sure to read the full petition and sign it here:

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