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Last chance to short-circuit Obama's payout to Muslim Brotherhood

Grassfire Nation Update

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Oct. 4, 2012

Tomorrow afternoon, Grassfire associates will be on Capitol Hill hand-delivering more than 75,000 petitions to key members of Congress -- each carrying the same message -- NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO FUND COUNTRIES AND GOVERMENTS THAT HARBOR OR SUPPORT TERRORISM AGAINST THE U.S.

We are pleased to report that your petition will be among those delivered tomorrow.

However, to maximize the impact of this important delivery we are calling on key members of our team to schedule personalized faxes to be delivered while our petition delivery is underway!

Please help maximize our impact by going here now.

+ + Obama Spending More On Foreign Aid Than to Secure our Own Borders!

This morning the U.S. Treasury reported that during his tenure as President, Barack Obama had increased foreign aid spending by 80 percent. And, in 2011, he spent 76 percent more on foreign aid than on securing our own borders!

Is this Obama's foreign policy plan -- ignoring our borders while emboldening and potentially even underwriting terror activity using hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars?

We've heard that Obama is aggressively pressuring Congress to release an additional $450 million -- money that would go directly to the Muslim brotherhood-led government of Egypt ... a radical and violent Islamic movement committed to advancing Islam at any cost!

This is why Grassfire is rushing petitions to Capitol Hill tomorrow, and why we are asking key members of our team to help deliver a pointed message to Congress that American patriots do not support sending their tax dollars to governments and countries with ties to terrorism!

Don't allow Obama to manipulate and pressure Congress into releasing these funds. Take immediate action right and schedule your FAXes for delivery to key members of Congress including your South Dakota Representative and Senators.

Your personalized faxes will be the exclamation mark on more than 75,000 petitions!

Go here to schedule your faxes for fast delivery.

Finally, in the hours remaining before our delivery, forward this message to your friends and family members, urging them to sign our petition. Remember, deadline for delivery is noon on Friday, Oct. 5, so don't delay.

Have them click here to be included.

Thank you.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Don't allow Obama to send your tax dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood. Schedule your personalized faxes for immediate delivery by going here.

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