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Obama pressures Congress to give Egypt another $450 million

Grassfire Nation Update

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Oct. 2, 2012


Congress was told on Friday that the Obama administration is giving Egypt's new government an emergency cash infusion to help with their soaring debt.


With tensions high between the U.S. and the Islamic world after the deadly terror attacks by Muslim militants against a U.S. embassy in Libya, The New York Times  reported on Friday that an additional $450 million was promised by Obama to "help Egypt bolster its transition to democracy."


The only problem for Obama is that this latest cash windfall is subject to oversight. Upon the announcement, Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX) said she would "use her position as chairwoman of the House appropriations subcommittee overseeing foreign aid to block the distribution of money."


Since 1947 foreign aid to Egypt has totaled $57 billion, and has historically been viewed as a lynchpin to peace in the Middle East. However, with the election of president Mohamed Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential islamic organizations in the world, and a group that embraces Sharia law, Granger added that the relationship between the U.S. and Egypt "has never been under more scrutiny."


And it gets worse. The Times reported that the $1 billion in aid back in May 2011 was to "relieve Egypt's debts to the United States."


This is not strong-minded foreign policy, it is another Obama hand-out, only this time instead of trying to buy votes, he's trying to buy friendship by sympathizing with radical extremists...


+ + No Taxpayer Money to Egypt and Libya


The time is past to turn off the unmitigated flow of foreign aid to the Middle East, and Grassfire is calling on grassroots citizens to bolster Kay Granger's position by delivering tens of thousands of "CEASE and DESIST sending your tax dollars to Libya and Egypt" petitions to her office on Capitol Hill later this week!


Our records indicate that you haven't yet added your name to this petition initiative. Please do so now by going here.


We've learned that administration officials plan to meet with Congress to push for keeping the flow of foreign aid going into countries like Egypt and Libya.


Don't allow your tax dollars to be funneled to nations that harbor ill-will to our people and our way of life. Instead, take a stand with grassroots Americans who are telling the Obama administration and Congress "NO!" to sending tax dollars to countries like Egypt and Libya.


Go here now to take immediate action:


Grassfire is moving rapidly to deliver these petitions to Kay Granger and other key leaders in Congress -- to send a strong message from American taxpayers, so after adding your name, forward this message to your friends and family members, urging them to follow your lead in time to be included in this important petition delivery later this week.


Thank you.


Grassfire Nation


P.S. Asking U.S. taxpayers to support countries led by radical Islamic extremists whose people are openly attacking U.S. embassies and killing U.S. citizens is an outrage. With a few simple clicks, you can make your voice heard! Go here now to sign our CITIZEN PETITION and tell your senators and other congressional leaders to STOP funding Libya and Egypt:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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