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Stop the censoring of pastors and churches!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Oct. 2, 2012



Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) is frantically trying to scare pastors and churches into silence. In fact, AU has a whistleblower program for people to file complaints against churches.  But, have no fear – AU has a zero success rate!


As a friend of Liberty Counsel – and a committed supporter of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience – I pray you will join us in quickly countering AU’s initiative to squash the God-given mission of 60,000 of our nation’s pastors and church leaders in this critical election season!


Please see my urgent message below – Mat.


Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) have attempted to create an environment wherein government and religion are adversaries.

This has been a long-term, highly orchestrated, calculated strategy of propaganda designed to create animosity between people of faith and the political process – and to create Christian and conservative voter apathy.   

These radical groups have touted the phrase “separation of church and state” many times, and now they are raising the IRS ghoul to scare pastors and silence the pulpits and pews.

Recently, Americans United for Separation of Church and State sent letters advising the leadership of 60,000 targeted churches across the nation not to become involved in “partisan politicking.”

In other words, they have attempted to convince these churches and pastors NOT to address the crucial issues that will be decided in the pivotal 2012 elections!

++Liberty Counsel opposes any effort to muzzle our nation’s pastors and church leaders!

To counter the outrageous disinformation campaigns being undertaken by Americans United and the ACLU, we have committed the entire remaining inventory of our Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches – a little over 70,000 units – to the battle.


These powerful resources are ready to ship to churches and pastors in the next few days to inform, equip, and empower pastors to speak the truth to this generation!

But I need your immediate help to make this happen.  

Please, click here for more information on how you can help distribute this Handbook and its vital information in the last month before Election Day 2012:

++Your help in the next few days could change the course of our nation.  

There are many documented instances in which American church leaders have received unsolicited letters making erroneous statements, stating that pastors may not address the views of political candidates and may not preach about biblical or moral issues because they are “political.”

Sometimes such letters (or, of course, statements distributed by the mainstream media) claim that churches will lose their IRS tax exemption if pastors speak about political or moral issues.

I assure you, such claims are false and are mere scare tactics designed to silence Christian viewpoints!

Americans United has targeted the leadership of 60,000 churches with a pre-election mailing that I believe is intended to intimidate our pastors and silence our pulpits before one of the most pivotal elections in our generation and among the most critical in our nation’s history!

We must counter this blatant attempt to muzzle those who can help change the course of our nation – and we must do so quickly.


The time to act is now – before it’s too late!  

I believe there are thousands of Liberty Counsel’s friends who are being led right now to order 10 copies (or more) of our Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches and hand-deliver them to pastors, church leaders, or church members in every region of our nation!  

The information contained in this pocket-sized handbook completely counters the misrepresentations that are being made by Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

If you can commit to help us actually distribute these powerful handbooks, I believe this will be a remarkable ministry effort for you in the Rapid City area this month!   

Simply order as many copies as you can distribute to pastors and church leaders in your own community.

Click here to find out more and to order as many copies as you can reasonably distribute:

If you can’t help by personally delivering these powerful Handbooks, please consider a special gift for Liberty Counsel to ship these booklets to strategically located churches (in battleground states) as quickly as possible:

++The United States of America would not be nation it is today if it were not for pastors and church leaders!

It was the sermons of colonial pastors that provided the fuel for the American Revolution.  It was their teaching that formed the Founders’ world views and encouraged them in difficult times.


Now, more than ever, we need pastors to speak biblical truth. The very future of America and Western Civilization is at stake!

The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches is a powerful resource compiled through decades of experience defending the rights of pastors, church leaders, and leaders of non-profit organizations.  It addresses these pivotal issues of concern and dispels the myths that have intentionally been introduced into our public discourse.

We must get our entire inventory into the hands of ministry leaders in the next 10-14 days to be fully effective!  There simply isn’t time to print and distribute more than we have on hand before the election, so we MUST put the 70,000 Handbooks we have ready now to effective use.

This is the largest such single distribution we have ever attempted, and it’s not going to be easily accomplished.  But we MUST do everything possible to STOP the silencing of pastors and churches at this crucial hour!

Order Handbooks to personally deliver – or order Handbooks for us to ship.  In any case, we want to get the remaining 60,000 handbooks to pastors and churches in the next several days before time runs out!

God bless you as, together, we work to restore our nation – especially in “America’s Year of Decision”!  

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S.  Their name, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is also their mission statement.  They want religion thrown out of the public square entirely.  

Liberty Counsel believes in First Amendment rights – and that God does have a place in the public square!  In fact, there would be no “public square” in America at all if it were not for the God-fearing Founders who actively sought God’s blessings in establishing freedom of religion on these shores!

The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches can help guide every Christian leader in forming their activities and messages in the days before this crucial election.  

Please, join us in distributing our entire inventory of Handbooks and get the truth into the hands of our pastors and ministry leaders!


Thank you and God bless you!

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776