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New bombshell in Fast and Furious scandal.

Grassfire Nation Update

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Oct. 1, 2012

A news report by the Mexican media has connected the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal to the slaughter of 100's of Mexicans -- including teens celebrating a birthday party in January of 2010.


According to the Univision report that aired on the ABC News website, armed assassins "opened fire on a gathering of nearly 60 teenagers. Outside, lookouts gunned down a screaming neighbor and several students who had managed to escape. Fourteen young men and women were killed, and 12 more were wounded before the hit men finally fled.”


Grassfire has posted excerpts from the video on their petition page. WARNING: the video is extremely graphic and disturbing.


+ + Holder Must Go!


From the beginning of the "Fast and Furious" scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder has refused to acknowledge his role or even take any responsibility in the scandal, choosing instead to withhold vital facts and even hide behind the protective coat tails of Barack Obama's Executive Order.


But now, in the face of this disturbing special report, there are additional faces to the scandal. Joining U.S. Border agent Brian Terry and the 100's of Mexican nationals, are their families -- their mothers and fathers who, like the Terry's are demanding accountability.


The Obama administration, Eric Holder and the liberal media wants you to forget about "Fast and Furious" ... Don't let that happen!


In the wake of this latest bombshell report, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have come out publicly demanding Holder's resignation, and Grassfire believes every member of Congress regardless of what side of the political aisle they occupy should do the same, and we are turning to our grassroots team to help intensify pressure on Congress to demand Holder's resignation!


With your petition already on file and ready to be delivered at a moment's notice, we ask that you help us rally and mobilize even more citizens who are demanding justice, accountability and closure for the Terry family and the hundreds of Mexican families that have been torn apart by the "Fast and Furious" scandal.


Take a look at the video, and then forward this message to 25-30 friends, encouraging them to sign our "Holder Must Go" petition by going here.


Eric Holder's tenure as Attorney General has been a blight to our nation. As citizens it is time we demand justice is served and closure is given to all of the families touched by this scandal.


Thank you for your outstanding efforts throughout.


Grassfire Nation


P.S: Forward this message today. Grassfire is already making plans to hand-deliver these petitions to key members of Congress as soon as later this week.


To read more on the "Fast and Furious" scandal visit our news portal,


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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