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Taxpayers paying for ObamaPhones (video)

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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Oct. 1, 2012

If you haven't seen the "ObamaPhone" video yet, please go here now and watch:


obama phone


This video is creating quite a controversy -- but not the controversy it should create.


One would think a video of an Obama supporter going on a proud rant about her free, taxpayer-funded "Obama Phone" would create an uproar over the fact that 16 million Americans now get free "Obama Phones" paid for by you and me.


The program is full of corruption, with many recipients having two or more Obama Phones paid for by taxpayers (see below). And it's growing under Obama.


Instead, the controversy is that some say it is racist to promote or even play the video.


This is how the LEFT plays the game.... when the emptiness of their policies or positions is exposed, they immediately go on the attack.


Here are the facts:

--The Obama Phone program has grown by over 105% under Obama's watch


--The "Lifeline" program (the name for the Obama Phone program) qualifies recipients for free phones and up to 250 minutes of cell time


--According to Business Week, "An audit last year found that 269,000 wireless Lifeline subscribers were receiving free phones and monthly service from two or more carriers."


--While most reports indicate 12.5 million people receive Obama Phones, Rush Limbaugh is reporting that the real number is closer to 16 million

+ + Petition Opposing Taxpayer Funded "Obama Phone" Welfare


A few months back, we launched a petition opposing the taxpayer funded Obama Phone Welfare program.


If you are tired of your tax dollars funding Obama Phones, go here and sign the petition:


Then text that link to a few friends using the phone you are paying for and ask them to sign as well.


Steve Elliott


P.S. As expected, the Left is trying to cover its tracks. Until a few days ago, one of the official "Obama Phone" websites (using an "ObamaPhone" url) featured the image below. Now, our fearless leader has been scrubbled from the site. Here's the original image:



Sign the petition



Fox News

Business Week

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