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‘Liar!’ Paul Ryan Booed Repeatedly By Seniors At AARP Convention

David Badash

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Sept. 21, 2012

Paul Ryan, the GOP vice presidential hopeful, today was booed repeatedly and loudly by seniors at a New Orleans AARP convention for stating he wants to repeal Obamacare to create a “stronger Medicare.” To the boisterous booing, Ryan stated, “I had feeling there would be mixed reactions.”

Ryan falsely claimed Obamacare “weakens Medicare for today’s seniors and puts it at risk for the next generation.” In fact, Romney and Ryan want to dismantle Medicare and increase costs dramatically for seniors.

Igor Volsky at Think Progress adds:

The GOP vice presidential candidate attacked Obamacare for taking $716 billion out of Medicare — the very same cuts he included in his budget — and made the case for transforming seniors’ health care from a guaranteed benefit into a premium support “voucher” program.

The address didn’t go over well. Audience members called Ryan a “liar,” told him to “go home” and the repeatedly booed his critique of President Obama and health reform.

You should know, too, that there is a concerted and orchestrated attack on AARP this week by the GOP. Extreme right wing Tea Party Republican Senator Jim DeMint today penned a lie-filled op-ed in Politico: