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Citizens for Health Update: CFH's HFCS Petition to the FDA

Citizens for Heatlh

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Sept. 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

Dear Citizen for Health, 

If you haven't already, now is the time to endorse CFH's Accurate HFCS Labeling Petition!  Click herefor our page on endorsing this petition.  Our petition asks the FDA to require food sellers to label the quantity of fructose in HFCS on each food item and asks the FDA to take action against food sellers who use unapproved formulas of HFCS.

If you want more information on our petition:

-The full petition is available here.

-The federal government has uploaded the petition and regularly uploads related documents here.

The FDA and food sellers need to know that consumers care about the risky uses of HFCS.  Thousands of concerned consumer voices will influence the FDA and the food industry.

Forward this email to any friends interested in signing this petition.

Thanks for your continuing support on health freedom, you can view other health freedom issues at our homepage, we’ll keep you updated on our progress with this petition.


The Citizens for Health Team