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Crazy Video: Spain #25s Protestor Drop Kicks Police After Watching Friend Get Beat

Alexander Higgins -

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Sept. 25, 2012

The riots in Spain aren’t over and instead are spreading across the country as shown in this crazy video where a protestor drop kicks the police.

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Police Viciously Beating Peaceful Protesters At #25s In Madrid Spain

Watch live on 3 screens as Police in Spain viciously beat protestors in Spain demonstrating against harsh austerity cuts to pay for banker bailouts.

As Spain teeters on the brink of civil war with the Military threatening treason as the Catalonia is set to hold a vote to secede from Spain thousands of protestors have hit the streets surrounding the Spanish parliament to protest harsh austerity measures.

Those protestors were fired upon with rubber bullets and tear gas and now are being viciously beaten for their protests against the bank bailouts as clearly can be seen on the live stream of three feeds embedded below.

Full Article…


Watch: Crazy Video Of Spanish Protesters Dropkicking A Cop


Spanish Police Fire On #25s Protestors Inside Subway

The following photo was taken after the police started firing on protestors in the metro which is shown in the video above.

Riot Police Walks Over Pool Of Protestor Blood Following Subway Crackdown

Riot Police Walks Over Pool Of Protestor Blood Following Subway Crackdown

Latest Spain Protest Updates:

Near the Parliament: