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The most dangerous man in America?

Grassfire Alert

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Sept. 14, 2012

The events of the past week demonstrate, perhaps more than any since September 11, 2001, the need for America to have a strong, decisive leader as Commander-in Chief. The United States needs a president who, in times of crisis, doesn't apologize for our country or wonder who our allies are.

But this is not the president or leader that America has in Barack Obama. After rising to the forefront of the 2008 election on his promise of "Hope" and "Change," our nation's 44th president appears to many to be increasingly over his head.

So just how did Barack Hussein Obama ascend to our nation's highest office? Where did he come from? How did he get there? More importantly, can Obama be trusted with a second term as president?

+ + Get the Real Story About Obama's Past

You may think you know the real story about Barack Obama's past. But when our Grassfire team began digging, we discovered shocking details about the men and women who helped shape the President.

The fact is, Obama's true past has been ignored by the mainstream media. His close alliances with Marxists, socialists, anti-government radicals, etc. have been hidden behind a left-wing "firewall."

"Team Obama" is a 144-page resource that exposes the dangerous and vast network of leftists, radicals and communists who groomed Obama as a child and who continue to mentor, influence and inspire him today.

+ + Orders Today Ship Within 48 Hours!

Grassfire sold out of our first print run in just days, and we expect our second printing to do the same. So to insure that you receive your copies of "Team Obama," I need to hear from you immediately. Go here now to order two copies of "Team Obama" for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT to Grassfire:

Even if you can contribute just $10 or $20 (whatever you can afford) to help Grassfire continue to get the word out, we'll send you two copies of "Team Obama" -- one to keep and another to share with a friend or family member.

This is the final printing of "Team Obama." Due to our limited supply, the Grassfire team will fulfill orders on a first-come, first-served basis. So don't wait! Orders placed today will ship in one or two business days. Go here now to get your copies of "Team Obama" for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT:

Get the real story behind Barack Obama's past, so you can see where he may lead America in the future.

Thank you in advance!

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Our first print run sold out in a few days, and we expect our second printing to go just as fast. So act now! Go here to order your copies of "Team Obama" today.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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