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'We are being ordered to break the law!'

Grassfire Nation Update

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Sept. 11, 2012

Last week Grassfire launched a petition both condemning the Obama administration for their unconstitutional amnesty policies and supporting the ten U.S. Border agents who have filed suit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton over what they claim is an unconstitutional directive that forces agents to break the law by not arresting and deporting illegal aliens.

One of the agents filing suit said, "We are federal law enforcement officers who are being ordered to break the law. This directive puts ICE agents and officers in a horrible position."

Since launching the petition just a week ago, more than 16,000 citizens representing all 50 states have rushed to sign this important petition.

+ + Petition Delivery of Support Announced

Since taking office Obama's pandering to amnesty groups has put border agents at increased risk, making it almost impossible for them to successfully do their jobs.

That's why Grassfire launched this petition -- as a way to support these federal law enforcement officials who are essentially our last line of defense against an illegal alien invasion!

These ten agents are standing in the gap for all Americans, and now we want to help build a mighty army of grassroots support behind them through this petition effort!

Forward the message below to friends and family members -- urging them to stand for law and order in our nation by signing our national petition.

Once we reach 25,000 petitions, Grassfire will hand-deliver these petitions of support to key members of Congress, as well as DHS, ICE and to the lawyers of these agents.

Take a moment right now to forward the message below to 30-40 friends and encourage them to follow your lead by adding their name to this important petition.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire

NOTE: Cut and paste below message in an email to your friends and family. Urge them to take action with you in support of these heroic border agents.

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From Grassfire Nation

Ten U.S. Border Agents have filed suit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton late last month, claiming the June 14 directive issued by Napolitano is forcing them to violate federal law, and keeping them “from fulfilling their sworn oath to uphold the law and defend the U.S. Constitution.”
According to the suit, the new directive “unconstitutionally usurps and encroaches upon the legislative powers of Congress,” by breaking laws the agents are supposed to be enforcing, and seeks to preserve the balance of legislative and executive powers established by the Constitution.
These agents are standing in the gap for law and order in America, for you and I against the rising threat of illegal aliens flooding into our nation.
Stand with these heroic agents by going here now:
+ + Obama trampling on our Constitution for political gain
Since taking office, Obama has looked for ways to diminish federal law and allow a flood of illegal aliens …
Last summer while addressing the National Council of La Raza during their annual conference, Obama said the immigration system was broken, and a “larger political movement was needed to fix it.”
“The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written. …
“I need you to keep building a movement for change outside of Washington, one they can’t stop, one that’s greater than this community,” Obama told them. “Feel free to keep the heat on me and the heat on Democrats. But here’s the thing you should know, the Democrats and your president are with you, don’t get confused about that.”
A desperate President Obama is scheming for the Hispanic vote – ignoring our nation’s existing laws, ignoring his sworn responsibilities to the citizens of our nation, bullying and intimidating our border agents in order to implement his latest fast-track amnesty agenda.
By Executive Order, Obama announced a policy that allows hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to gain a “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver” – which essentially rewards illegals living in the U.S. by putting them on a fast-track to legal status.
He also opened the door for potentially millions more illegals, their spouses, children and relatives to flood across our borders by granting them “Amnesty Waivers” if they claim “extreme hardship” in their living situation …
+ + U.S. Border Agents are Fighting Back
In the face of this “amnesty invasion” being perpetrated by Obama and his administration, these border agents are fighting for us and for the sovereignty and security of our nation. 
Through this national petition, Grassfire has created a platform for grassroots Americans to stand alongside these brave law enforcement officials – to show their support for the tough stand they are taking.
Take a moment right now to add your name to our “I’m Standing with The Border Agents” petition:
+ + 25,000 petitions needed for immediate delivery
Since taking office, Obama has fostered border “INSECURITY,” pandering to amnesty organizations while hamstringing, intimidating and bullying federal agents in an aggressive attempt to keep them from protecting our borders.
Through this national petition effort, Grassfire is mobilizing at least 25,000 citizen signers who stand with these agents and who reject Obama’s lawless actions and tactics to weaken our borders for political gain.
As soon as we reach our goal, Grassfire will hand-deliver these petitions of support to key members of Congress, as well as DHS, ICE and to the lawyers of these agents.
Go here to be included:
Thank you for taking a stand for our First Amendment Rights.
Grassfire Nation  
P.S. Again, after signing, invite your friends and family to join with you by clicking here:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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