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American Nationals Confront Police State with Total Resistance

Henry Shivley

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Sept. 10, 2012

The international socialist insurgency continues to throw out their propaganda smokescreen in the face of a resistance that is growing exponentially.  I was very happy to see a video I found of two men facing down the Gestapo in Rhode Island.  The two refused to identify themselves and demanded to know why they were being detained.  The Rhode Island Gestapo, being Gestapo, put forth their authority which amounted to “We are the police and we can demand from any citizen anything we want.”

When one of the men being detained asked one of the moronic pigs to define the 4th Amendment the response was, “It is the right for search and seizure.”  This is the reason an IQ of below 100 is a prerequisite for joining the force.  This video clearly showed the absence of any knowledge of the law by those purportedly enforcing it.

The resistance shown on this video is exactly what every one of us needs to be practicing, letting these pigs know there is no excuse acceptable for violating our constitutionally guaranteed rights.  A poor man walking down a public sidewalk at 2:00 in the morning with his shirt off has the same right to be left alone that Warren Buffet does riding down the adjacent street in the back of a limousine.

These two patriotic Americans in Rhode Island set an example for every one of we American nationals of the American race as to how we should be dealing with this unconstitutional standing army.  Carry a camera everywhere you go and refuse to cooperate in the smallest degree with any affront to your rights and liberties.

If every one of us takes up this practice and holds true it would have more effect than every Occupy and grass roots Tea Party protests to date put together.

The agents of the international corporate mafia are engaged in a campaign to establish total authoritarian control over we the people.  We must meet their assault on our constitutionally guaranteed rights with total resistance.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.