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REAL ID: Death by Defunding

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Sept. 10, 2012

Regular Dispatch readers know that we're working on new projects such as the Zero Aggression Project  (ZAP) and a re-focused Downsize DC. But that doesn't mean we're going to stop pressuring Congress.

We're just picking our targets more carefully. For example...  

Jim Harper, a Cato Institute scholar and a friend of Downsize DC, has a smart idea: kill off REAL ID by defunding it.

REAL ID could be de-funded in the consolidated spending bill Congress is expected to pass this Fall.

Jim's idea inspired me to write the following letter to my Representative and my two Senators. Please do the same using's Repeal Real ID campaign.

You may borrow from what I wrote ...

Jim Harper, from the Cato Institute, has a good yet simple idea. De-fund REAL ID in the consolidated spending bill:

Please offer an amendment to make this happen.

REAL ID violates the law. No Constitutional provision authorizes ...

* The creation of a National ID system.

* The federal government to require the various states to enforce federal dictates at their expense.

Worse, when fully implemented...

* Those without a REAL ID card will be denied the human right to travel by plane or train.

* The existence of the card will facilitate RFID tracking and other surveillance invasions against the American people.

REAL ID was also enacted illegally. It never received majority approval from Congress. After failing to pass on its own, it was clustered into a war-funding bill. REAL ID would never have passed had it not been jumbled with unrelated legislation.

Even worse . . .

* The American people hate REAL ID.

* Dozens of states states have refused to implement REAL ID and several have passed explicit resolutions opposing it.

* Even the Obama Administration doesn't like it!

Why can't we get rid of it? I urge you to represent me! Take action to end this criminal imposition on the American people.

Do two things...

* Follow Jim Harper's simple idea to forbid funding of REAL ID in the coming consolidated spending bill:

* Then repeal the REAL ID Act itself so it's gone forever.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

Thanks for taking action!

Jim Babka

President, Inc.