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Status of the 'Conservative Pledge of Action' Petition

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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Aug. 25, 2012

The Liberal media and far-left leaders continue to pressure the GOP to back away from core conservative principles -- on the very eve of the party's convention.

The goal of the Left and the liberal media is to paint conservatives as intolerant and dangerous. The real danger is that the GOP will stray from the core principles of liberty, life and family that serve as the backbone of the movement to restore our nation's greatness under the Constitution.

With the GOP convention just days away, Grassfire Nation is providing grassroots conservatives with a platform to respond to both parties – reminding them that as conservatives we stand for Life, Liberty, Family and Limited government, and will vote according to these principles.

+ + Status of Bellringer Petition...

We will deliver your  “Conservative Pledge of Action” to the party leaders -- but we must reach 50,000 signers. Our records show you have not yet signed. Go here to sign the "Conservative Pledge" and urge political leaders to stand for Liberty, Life, Family and Limited Government:

As soon as 50,000 Pledges are gathered, we will deliver them.

Please take action today. The GOP convention begins Monday so we must have your petition by 10am Monday morning to reach our goal and arrange delivery.

Steve Elliott

P.S. Again, pressure is mounting for the GOP to cave on core values of Liberty, Life, Family and Limited Government. We want to deliver petitions next week to GOP leaders -- but we must reach 50,000 signers and we must hear from you by 10am Monday morning. Go here.


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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