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Can the Constitution survive?

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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August 20, 2012

In this time of political uncertainty, Americans, particularly young adults, need to be reminded that there are many patriots who believe in American exceptionalism; a clear majority who believe that the Constitution of the United States of America lays down the master plan for our unparalleled form of government; and that we are the trustees of this treasure entrusted to the American people.

There is still hope for our nation! The gift of Liberty is far too precious to squander! It is our God-ordained duty to fight for what is right and good and which was obtained and preserved at a great price. Please take a moment to sign our Oath of Allegiance Letter declaring that you, too, will defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and help protect the system of government that has made our nation great!

Our goal is to present this letter to members of Congress with at least 100,000 signatures! In less than a week, more than 40,000 of your fellow American patriots have added their voices to ours! Click here to sign, then please read my message below – Mat.


Here’s a statistic that should raise genuine concern: Pew Research polls report that “socialism,” as a form of governance, is growing in popularity with Americans under 30!

Add to that statistic the fact that there has never before been leadership in Washington, DC, whose stated goal is to turn our nation into a socialist state. Yet, our rising generation of Americans doesn’t view that as a negative!

As President Ronald Reagan warned, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”


Today’s radical Leftists believe that they know better than our nation’s Founders – that the Constitution is outdated and/or irrelevant. 

A few months ago, author Faye Voshell wrote a blog at American Thinker outlining a clear and present danger to our nation’s system of government... 

“The vision of the founders was to set up a government that would remain small and unobtrusive via a system of checks and balances. That it has taken our government so long to get this big speaks well of the original design. The founders also knew the overwhelming nature of governments was to amass power and grow… This clearly erodes the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. It brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship.”

Acclaimed author Thomas Sowell observes...

“It is no coincidence that those who imagine themselves so much wiser and nobler than the rest of us should be in the forefront of those who seek to erode Constitutional restrictions on the arbitrary powers of government.

To get their way, the elites must erode or dismantle the Constitution, bit by bit, in one way or another. What that means is that they must dismantle America.”

++The Leftist’s vision for our nation is diametrically opposed to that of our Founders.

As Liberty Counsel has consistently stated, there is a distinct pattern to the Left’s attacks on the constitutionally prescribed checks and balances at the heart of our government.  

”Liberal Progressives” are systematically attacking the constitutional principles of individual freedom and conscience protection as unworthy of being given precedence over the needs of the State! 

Right now, the biggest check to the ascent of the Left is an enlightened American citizenry!  At Liberty Counsel, we recognize the pattern of the Leftist’s strategic plan and fight against it – working to expose their agenda while we still have the freedom to freely speak.

That’s why we have launched our powerful “Oath of Allegiance Letter”!  By signing the Oath of Allegiance Letter, you will be joining many tens of thousands of other like-minded patriots in promising that you will defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic!  

Liberty Counsel intends to present no less than 100,000 signed Oath of Allegiance Letters to a carefully chosen group of elected officials to let them know – in no uncertain terms – that we expect them to adhere to their own Oath of Office, the Constitution, and the battle against the Constitution’s enemies!

We plan to time this important delivery with the return of Congress to session in early September.  Click here to join this bold campaign and sign your personal Oath of Allegiance Letter:

++Unless we stand up for our liberty, we will inevitably lose it.

That’s why I am calling upon ALL American citizens to rise up and continue to stand with us in some of the most crucial legal, legislative, and cultural battles ever fought on American soil – to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic!

Will you help defend and restore the Constitution as the key document of our nation’s government and the cornerstone of our individual rights and liberties?

Our goal is to gather as many tens of thousands of these signed Oath of Allegiance documents as possible to present to our elected officials when Congress returns to session in September.  

Please click here and join me in the Oath of Allegiance:

++Take the oath and receive a very special offer!

Immediately upon signing our powerful Oath of Allegiance Letter, you will see four colorful vinyl yard signs you can order at a dramatically reduced cost. We are very excited about these quality yard signs and the messages they convey.

You can receive one for immediate display, but I believe you will want to order all four and either rotate them in and out of use or even put all four on display simultaneously!

The four yard signs are exclusively available to Liberty Counsel’s friends and supporters and can be seen by clicking here and taking your personal Oath of Allegiance:

WE must protect our liberties and freedoms!

We must reaffirm our allegiance to the Constitution, before our rights to speak out disagree with and petition the exercise religious own a firearm to defend ourselves...and other crucial rights... disappear forever!

God bless you and God bless America!

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel
P.S. We must not allow OUR generation to be the last to have Constitutionally-protected liberties!

Click here to sign Liberty Counsel’s powerful Oath of Allegiance Letter and to see the very special yard signs we are offering our friends:

After signing, would you send this message to as many of your like-minded friends as possible?  Posting its link on your social network will be a great help, as well.  Again, God bless you!


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776