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The next step is anarchy!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Aug. 16, 2012

“Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”  
Senator Daniel Webster, 1851
Our nation’s system of checks and balances, as defined by the Constitution, are being systematically dismantled.  We have been forced into a constitutional crisis of the first order by Leftists, radical activists, and elected officials in our own government.  
Will you help defend and restore the Constitution as the key document of our nation’s government and the cornerstone of our individual rights and liberties?  Please read my urgent message and call to action below – Mat.
Have you ever taken an official oath of office – or a soldier’s oath to defend our nation?  The official oaths of office in the United States of America call for a solemn pledge to defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  
Enemies of the United States of America – of both the foreign and domestic varieties – would love nothing better than to destroy the very foundation of this nation. 
Tyrannical leaders around the world and in all time periods since our founding have despised our Constitution because it represents everything despots hate: Government of the people, by the people and for the people!
After decades of defending the Constitution in courts of law and public opinion, I am convinced that the greatest threat to our Constitution now comes from within our own borders – America’s homegrown, domestic enemies.  
Never before has this document that was forged in the flames of the American Revolution come under such a withering attack from those who call themselves American citizens.
Even our own federal officials have systematically hacked away at the Constitution in recent years. 
Leftist members of the federal bureaucracy – regardless of which party is in political power – have proven to the American people time and again that they will stop at nothing to further their socialist agenda, including: 
* The overt subversion of the Constitution; 
* Continual sidestepping of Congress; 
* Enactment of Executive Orders with no review or oversight; 
* Overt deceit, distortion, and demagoguery to sway public opinion and blunt criticism. 
The bottom line is this…the Constitution of the United States is being systematically assaulted in order to form a more socialized union! 
Most Americans do not begin to realize how far we have already strayed from the principles our Founding Fathers laid down in the Constitution.
When Daniel Webster spoke of "anarchy throughout the world" more than 160 years ago, he could have been speaking of our own time!  True anarchy is spreading, even here in America.  Just consider some of the recent "Occupy Wall Street" protests, for example.
By uncoupling government from the Constitution, we are starting even now to see the chaos and lawlessness that Webster predicted. It's easy to track how all this has happened…
Socialists in the media and academic world...liberals in Congress... Hollywood elitists and radical demonstrators who seek their own agenda…these disparate groups have ALL worked to undermine the bedrock of American government – the Constitution. 
The enemies of American exceptionalism know the Constitution is our nation's foundation and that its subversion will be the fastest way to change America into a society of THEIR liking. 
++Liberty Counsel will continue defending the Constitution against ALL enemies! 
This is why I am writing to ask you to join a powerful national campaign to DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION by signing our Oath of Allegiance Letter today.
The Oath of Allegiance Letter promises that you will stand with Liberty Counsel and many tens of thousands of like-minded, patriotic citizens of the United States to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic!  
Liberty Counsel will then present our signed Oath of Allegiance Letter to our elected officials to let them know – in no uncertain terms – that we expect them to adhere to their own Oath of Office, the Constitution, and the battle against the Constitution’s enemies.
Click here now to join this bold campaign and sign the Oath of Allegiance Letter:  
++“We the People” demand that our government return to the rule of law as established by our Constitution!
Never before have government leaders so intently ignored the basic functions and separation of powers laid out by our nation's governing document. 
Enemies of the Constitution call it archaic... rigid... inflexible... non-inclusive... intolerant... unworkable in our modern society. 
But for nearly 225 years, this amazing document has helped sustain America as what former President Ronald Reagan called “the shining city on a hill.”
Our goal is to gather many tens of thousands of these signed Oath of Allegiance documents to present to our elected officials when Congress returns to session in September.  
Liberty Counsel has become quite effective at making your voice heard and getting points across to politicians who swore their own oaths of allegiance!
I wholeheartedly believe the Constitution is worth defending. As a friend of Liberty Counsel, I believe you do, too! Please click here to stand with us:
++Take the oath and receive a very special offer!
Immediately upon signing our powerful Oath of Allegiance Letter, you will see four colorful vinyl yard signs you can order at a dramatically reduced cost. We are very excited about these quality yard signs and the messages they convey.
You can receive one for immediate display, but I believe you will want to order all four and either rotate them in and out of use or even put all four on display simultaneously!
The four yard signs are exclusively available to Liberty Counsel’s friends and supporters and can be seen by clicking here and taking your Oath of Allegiance:
We have all been forewarned by the actions and mandates of Leftists in authority (whether in the federal bureaucracy, Congress, or the judiciary) that the Constitution is only being honored when they think it is advantageous to their cause!  
Unless Americans reaffirm their allegiance to the Constitution, our rights to speak out disagree with and petition the exercise religious own a firearm to defend ourselves...and other crucial rights...are likely to disappear forever!
Make no mistake:  When our rights come under attack, the Constitution itself is under attack and at great risk! Right now, Americans face a "clear and present danger" to the freedoms that they have taken for granted for too long!
Together, let's reaffirm our allegiance and restore our constitutional 
rights! Please click here to sign: 
Thank you for standing with us, 
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. There is a deliberate attempt to subvert our Constitution and the liberties it gives us.  Powerful and well-funded forces have conspired to weaken this document over many, many years.
We must stand together in support of the foundational document of our government – or watch it crumble away under the assault of those who would like nothing better than to see the demise of the nation the Founders gave us.  
Click here to sign Liberty Counsel’s powerful Oath of Allegiance Letter and to see the very special yard signs we are offering our friends:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776