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Obama moves to suppress the military vote

Grassfire Nation Update

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Aug. 15, 2012

When you put your life on the line everyday in the name of freedom, it’s not too much to ask for a little extra time to cast your absentee ballot …

Yet that is precisely what the Obama administration, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic party are trying to do to our military in Ohio when they filed suit to strike down a new law granting members of the military three extra days to cast their ballots.

As despicable as it seems, the reality is even worse.

This voter suppression scheme specifically targets our military – the very men and women who are putting their lives on the line everyday so that we can vote!


Of course Obama isn’t telling the truth about the true intent of the suit. He can’t. Instead, he’s calling the Ohio law granting men and women in uniform the opportunity to vote until the Monday night before the election unconstitutional, claiming it’s “unfair” and “disenfranchises” other voters!

This attack on our military is despicable, and demands a strong grassroots response from patriots coast-to-coast who are not afraid to tell Obama and his Leftist minions to “Stop Your War on Our Military!”

Grassfire Nation has partnered with Conservative50Plus, a fast-growing alliance for mature, liberty-loving patriots who respect and appreciate the efforts of our military. We’ve put together a national petition giving mature Americans a platform to respond to Obama’s attack on the military.

Go here to tell Obama to “Stop Your War on Our Military!”:

We know many of our team members have close ties to the military. Many have served, or continue to serve while others have family members – husbands, wives, sons and daughters who are proudly serving in various branches of the military as well.

This kind of blatant assault to suppress the military vote must be challenged, and we are moving quickly to rally 50,000 citizens nationwide.

+ + The U.S. Military has earned the right …

Our brave fighting forces have earned the right to have a three-day extension to overcome the obstacles preventing so many from voting. Don’t allow Obama and the Left to make it even more difficult for them to cast their votes.

Click below and sign your name to this important petition:

As soon as Conservative50Plus reaches their goal of 50,000 signatures, they will deliver your petitions to the White House, The Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party – demanding an end to Obama’s war on our military!

After you have added your name, forward this message to 25-30 of your mature friends and family members (especially those who have proudly served or are serving in the military), urging them to take action with you by signing this important petition below:

Thank you in advance for standing up for our military personnel!

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Conservative50Plus will deliver your petitions to the White House, The Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party as soon as they reach their delivery goal. Sign and forward this petition today:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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