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Congress sues Holder over gun scandal

Grassfire Nation Update

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Aug. 14, 2012

Less then two months ago, with contempt charges looming, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder hid behind the apron strings of President Obama who used Executive Privilege to keep Holder from having to hand over documents related to the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal that resulted in the death of U.S. Border agent Brian A. Terry....

Yesterday, Congress filed a federal lawsuit against Holder for those documents.

According House Speaker John Boehner, the lawsuit became necessary due to the Obama administration's "stonewalling".

Although trials are rare, FoxNews says the judge, Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee, "could require the Justice Department to detail what withheld documents exist and to show why they are privileged.


Since the scandal first broke into the national headlines, Grassfire Nation has been on the leading edge of the issue, providing insight, analysis and an opportunity for grassroots Americans to put the Department of Justice and Eric Holder on notice for their failure to bring closure to the case ...

As of this update, more than 320,000 petitions and untold thousands of faxes have been delivered to the DOJ, and key members of Congress demanding justice and accountability.

With news of the lawsuit, perhaps the American public is closer to getting their wish of justice and closure for the family of the slain border agent.

+ + Don't Allow "Fast and Furious" to be Forgotten

This administration is eager for you to forget about "Fast and Furious", and with attention shifting towards the coming Elections, and it would be easy to simply forget about the lawlessness that claimed the life of a border agent and hundreds of Mexican nationals.

Patrick, Grassfire is urging members of our team not to forget about this case, but rather help us rally and mobilize even more citizens who are demanding justice, accountability and closure for the Terry family.

Forward this message to 20-30 friends, encouraging them to sign our "Holder Must go!" petition by going here.

Until justice is served, we cannot forget the family of Brian A. Terry!

To this end, Grassfire is committed to carrying this banner forward -- updating and alerting those citizens who continue standing for truth and justice!

Thank you for your outstanding efforts throughout.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Team Obama, offers a frightening glimpse into the Obama's inner circle -- exposing a vast network of leftists, radicals, communists and terrorists that continue to actively mentor, and inspire our 44th President. Go here now to get Grassfire Nation's latest, and most explosive resource to date.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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