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Call to Action - Join the 'Occupy Monsanto' movement this September

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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August 1, 2012

NaturalNews) If you have ever considered what might be some practical, effective ways to fight back against the continued genetic annihilation of the food supply, now is your chance to join an exciting, decentralized movement in defense of food freedom. Beginning on September 17, 2012, and lasting for one week, Occupy Monsanto, an international, grassroots effort fighting back against the corporate takeover of agriculture, is calling on health freedom advocates across the globe to stage mass protests at the many worldwide facilities owned by the Monsanto corporation.

You can access a full list of the locations of Monsanto's facilities around the world by visiting:

For far too long, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, and the other major biotechnology players have been pulling a fast one on the American people. Buying off spineless, traitorous politicians in exchange for corporate favors, Monsanto in particular has been especially deviant, and intensely focused on making sure that GMOs are not labeled, and that biotechnology is incorporated into all aspects of human life against the will of the people. And thus far, Monsanto has been quite successful in building and maintaining an empire built on this legacy of corruption and lies.

But Occupy Monsanto is trying to change all this; having recently staged several protests designed to raise awareness about the presence of GMOs in the food supply. Most people, after all, including many health-conscious people, have no idea that most conventional food items that contain corn, canola, or soy derivatives are of GM origin ( In fact, it is estimated that as much as 70 percent or more of all processed food items contain GM ingredients, even though they are not labeled as such. (

This is disastrously unacceptable, especially in light of the fact that the only reason Monsanto has the stronghold it does is because GMOs are not properly labeled. And because of this, the multinational corporate predator has had the leverage to commit untold crimes against humanity all around the world, including in its destruction of entire agricultural systems in India and elsewhere that has left hundreds of thousands of people impoverished or dead. (


Organize a 'Genetic Crimes Unit' at the Monsanto location nearest you

So to fight back, Occupy Monsanto is assembling "Genetic Crimes Units" (GCUs), which it describes as "autonomous Occupy Monsanto affinity groups who will carry out decontamination events during the Global Week of Action against Monsanto." These GCUs will stage protest events at local Monsanto facilities for the purpose of drawing attention to the fact that GMOs have never been proven safe, and that forcing them on the public turns average Americans into human guinea pigs.

To learn more about GCUs, and to view a list of already confirmed GCU locations, visit:

Occupy Monsanto has also been encouraging protests at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and other natural and organic grocers that are covertly, and deceptively, selling unlabeled GMOs to unsuspecting customers. According to the decentralized group, which recently staged a protest at a Trader Joe's in Atlanta, Georgia (, claims made by Trader Joe's that its store-brand products do not contain GMOs are questionable, as the specialty grocer has not released any evidence or proof that this is true.

And let us not forget Whole Foods, which sells many products that contain GM ingredients as well. Many of the freshly-prepared meal items sold at the Whole Foods lunch bar; for instance, contain canola oil, which more than likely is of GM origin. Whole Foods is perhaps a bigger target than Trader Joe's because it openly uses questionable ingredients like canola oil in its store-brand products, and charges its customers a premium for these deceptive products.

To learn more about Occupy Monsanto and how you can help fight back against GMOs, visit: