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DC Mayor calls Chick-fil-A 'hate chicken'!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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The mayor of our nation’s capital has declared that the belief that marriage is “between one man and one woman” is unacceptable in his city! The mayors of San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston have declared the same, although Mayor Tom Menino of Boston was rapidly walking back his unconstitutional threats over the weekend.  Perhaps his legal counsel talked some sense into him!

These half-baked threats to discriminate against Chick-fil-A are contemptible affronts to the Constitution – and an extreme assault on every American’s freedom of speech and religious expression! Well over 50,000 outraged Americans have signed our powerful petition in just a few days.  The petition declares support for Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights and the biblical view of natural marriage!

The petition will be delivered on Thursday – and we have now added the mayors of Washington, D.C., and San Francisco to receive the petitions. Since the petition will be delivered in a few days, I am asking for any help you can offer to get our message to the largest number of concerned Americans as possible.

Please take a moment to forward the following message to your friends and family – or share the link on your social networks!

God bless you!  Mat.  

Calling it “hate chicken,” Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent Gray says he will not support expansion of Chick-fil-A restaurants in our nation’s capital city.  

San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee told Chick-fil-A to “not try and come any closer” than the closest restaurant they already have in operation, which is about 40 miles from his city’s limits.  


Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s statement that he believes in the natural, biblical view of marriage as being between one man and one woman has caused quite a stir – especially among radical pro-homosexual leftists who feel that holding a pro-natural marriage viewpoint is somehow “discriminatory.”  

Liberal politicians like Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino also think so. Last week, they both expressed their plans to prevent Chick-fil-A from opening new restaurants in their jurisdictions.

As I mentioned, Boston Mayor Menino, facing intense public criticism, has since retracted his threat, correctly acknowledging that efforts to prevent Chick-fil-A from expansion based on Cathy’s comments would be illegal.

Mayor Emanuel, the former Chief of Staff at the Obama White House, surely knows that viewpoint discrimination violates federal Civil Rights statutes – but in his ultraliberal, condescending style has yet to acknowledge that his position is completely illegal.

These ignorant threats of action and discrimination against Chick-fil-A because of the viewpoint of its owner are not only illegal – they are toxic to every business and businessman in America!

Just imagine the chaos if every business owner’s views on marriage, or abortion, or the right to bear arms, had to be in line with a leftist mayor’s views and were used as a litmus test to obtain a business permit!

++Citizens are outraged!  Liberty Counsel’s petition in support of the First Amendment and biblically defined marriage is growing fast!

Liberty Counsel’s new petition declares that…“we support Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights – and we endorse his stand on biblically defined marriage.”

The LC petition will be delivered to the Chick-fil-A corporate headquarters in Atlanta; the offices of Boston Mayor Tom Menino (he has yet to back down far enough to meet the constitutional standard); Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Proco Moreno – and we will now add deliveries to the Washington, D.C., and San Francisco mayors’ offices.

Right now we are about half way to reaching our goal of 100,000 signers. I feel certain we can quickly reach 100,000 singers if friends like you will join us today!  

Click here to add your name now before our petition delivery on Thursday, the day after a nationwide “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” as promoted by former Governor Mike Huckabee!

After signing, please forward this message to as many of your like-minded friends and colleagues as possible – this is a landmark battle against the forces of anti-Christian bigotry and intolerance!

These bigots will go to any lengths to silence the majority of Americans who believe that children do best when raised in a natural family with one mom and one dad.

Get the book the ACLU doesn’t want you to read!

Only One Mommy: A Woman's Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom: The Lisa Miller Story – which was written by Rena Lindevaldsen, a long-time colleague and Special Counsel to Liberty Counsel – is one of the most important books yet written on the same-sex marriage battle taking place in America.  

Rena and I litigated Lisa Miller’s case for many years and I know her passion for exposing the lies and hypocrisy of the pro-homosexual agenda.  In fact, Rena will be a guest on The Mike Huckabee Show from noon until 3 pm tomorrow (Tuesday July 31).  Consult your local radio listings for your area.  I assure you – you won’t want to miss this interview!   

The book, written through the lens of Lisa Miller's journey into and out of homosexuality, including her seven-year custody battle to retain custody of her biological child, sheds light into what "causes" someone to get involved in homosexuality, encourages churches to reach out to those struggling with same-sex attractions, and exposes the pervasive homosexual agenda that is working to radically change our culture and silence all those who oppose its advance.

I am not exaggerating when I say that Rena may be the nation's leading expert on the terrible legal and social consequences society faces when altering the natural order and sanctioning same-sex “marriage.”  

Only One Mommy: A Woman's Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom is available to you now for a gift of any amount after you sign our pro-marriage, pro-free speech petition:

++The pro-homosexual lobby is shaking our nation to its core!

The heightened intolerance displayed by leftist radicals and certain ultraliberal government officials ought to serve as a wakeup call to the majority of Americans who support the commonsense understanding of natural marriage.

Please be sure to sign the petition today declaring support for the First Amendment rights for every citizen – and your support of natural marriage – before our petition delivery on Thursday!
Thanks again for standing for liberty and natural marriage,
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. The misguided mayors who are attacking Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A are not acting in accordance with the laws of our nation – or representing the will of the American people.  This is solely a display of leftist, pro-homosexual indoctrination and an assault against the First Amendment rights of all Americans.  Please be sure to sign our pro-marriage, pro-free speech petition today!

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776