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Oppose S. 3414 - The Cybersecurity Act of 2012

Matt Haws, Campaign for Liberty

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July 26, 2012

The Senate could move anytime on S. 3414, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, and I hope you’ll contact your senators to urge them to oppose cloture right away.

Although Senate leadership has tweaked the bill due to the massive outpouring of grassroots criticism they’ve received this past year over previous Internet legislation, S. 3414 will still be a rushed product, as both parties are negotiating final details – right before the vote.

The American people deserve to know what’s in S. 3414 before their senators vote on further consideration, especially when it comes to an issue as important as our freedoms online.

As it stands, S. 3414 would create yet another government bureaucracy (a “National Cybersecurity Council”), and it could guarantee companies engage in more invasions of our privacy.

So click here to find your senators’ information.  Since the vote could come at any time, please call right away to urge them to oppose cloture on S. 3414!

In Liberty, 

Matt Hawes

Vice President

P.S.  The Senate is expected to hold a cloture vote soon on S. 3414, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, and final details will likely continue to be worked out on the bill right up until the vote.

The American people deserve to know everything that will be in this legislation before it moves on for further consideration.

So please contact your senators right away to urge them to oppose cloture on S. 3414 and allow their constituents time to look over the final bill.

As always, if you’re able at this time, you can help C4L expand our efforts to protect liberty on all fronts by chipping in $10 or $20.