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Chick-Fil-A President 'guilty as charged!'

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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A firestorm is brewing over “controversial” statements by Chick-Fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy, who recently said he was “guilty as charged” in his support of biblical views on marriage.  Now, several leftist government officials have threatened retaliatory tactics toward Chick-Fil-A while inciting radical pro-homosexual groups to vengeful and repulsive protests.

This is an illegal and irrational assault on Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights and on the Chick-Fil-A organization!  Liberty Counsel is launching a powerful petition calling for support of Mr. Cathy’s rights – and announcing our unified support of marriage as being between one man and one woman. Please see my extremely important call to action below – Mat.


Here is what Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy is “guilty as charged” of having said in an interview on a syndicated radio talk show…


“We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”

Upon hearing of Cathy’s stand, radical pro-homosexual organizations and sympathizers immediately began calling for boycotts, “kiss-ins,” and other types of protests against the family-friendly national chain of restaurants.

++Government leaders are illegally discriminating against Mr. Cathy and the Chick-Fil-A organization.

Dan Cathy’s comments are unquestionably within his First Amendment rights of Free Speech and Freedom of Religion.  

But apparently these rights just don’t apply when certain leftist government leaders happen to disagree with such a viewpoint!  

Boston Mayor Tom Menino wrote a letter to Mr. Cathy rescinding their opportunity to open a new franchise in the Boston city limits.  Here’s what the badly misguided mayor had to say…

 “I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston. There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it. When Massachusetts became the first state in the country to recognize equal marriage rights, I personally stood on City Hall Plaza to greet same sex couples coming here to be married. It would be an insult to them and to our city's long history of expanding freedom to have a Chick-Fil-A across the street from that spot.”

Here’s my question: What would the Sons of Liberty, who fought and died resisting exactly this sort of government oppression, many in close proximity to the very place Mayor Menino mentioned, say to this modern-day Boston tyrant? 


Jumping on the bandwagon, Chicago Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno, supported by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, made his own intolerant (and frankly stupid) statement about Cathy’s allegedly unacceptable words…

“Chick-Fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members.”

Let me see if I understand this correctly.  In my limited research, Chicago has over 40 “Gay” or “Gay-friendly” bars and at least a half-dozen adult bookstores. These businesses ARE reflective of “Chicago values” – but a Christian owned and operated business, which closes on Sunday so that employees can attend church, and whose owner supports natural marriage between a man and a woman – IS NOT reflective of “Chicago values?”

++Mayor Emanuel’s and Alderman Moreno’s threatened actions are totally illegal.

The Illinois Human Rights Act states…

“To secure for all individuals within Illinois the freedom from discrimination against any individual because of his or her race, color, religion, sex…in connection with employment, real estate transactions, access to financial credit, and the availability of public accommodations.”

The Mayor and Alderman threaten to not only break several federal civil rights laws – but their own Illinois state statute as well!

These government officials ought to be ashamed.  For a public official to threaten denial of a right to do business because the president of a private company supports natural marriage is the height of stupidity and intolerance!

Unfortunately, these officials’ response is typical of intolerant pro-homosexual activists. They will go to any lengths to silence the majority of Americans who believe that children do best when raised in a natural family with one mom and one dad!

There is absolutely no evidence that Chick-Fil-A has discriminated against anyone!

This blatant intolerance should serve as a wake-up call to the majority of Americans who support the commonsense understanding of natural marriage.  If given a chance, these intolerant officials would silence anyone who supports natural marriage.

They have placed extreme ideology over freedom!

++Liberty Counsel’s petition in support of the First Amendment and biblically defined marriage.

Liberty Counsel’s new petition declares that…“we support Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights – and we endorse his stand on biblically defined marriage!

Click here to read and add your name to the petition:

The LC petition will be delivered to the Chick-Fil-A corporate headquarters in Atlanta; the offices of Boston Mayor Tom Menino; Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Proco Moreno – and we will add deliveries as necessary to cover emerging oppressive tactics by additional government officials or organizations against the Chick-Fil-A enterprises.  

Click here to read and add your name to the petition which I would like to deliver on August 2nd, the day after a nationwide “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” as promoted by former Governor Mike Huckabee:

Thank you in advance for standing with Dan Cathy and

Chick-Fil-A – but more importantly for uniting with Liberty Counsel in defense of the First Amendment rights of all Americans.  And THANK YOU for supporting the natural institution of marriage between one man and one woman.

One additional thing – this petition campaign is VERY important.  Would you forward this message to several of your like-minded friends?

Arrogant, agenda-driven officials like Rahm Emanuel and Tom Menino must not be allowed to trample every American’s constitutional rights!  Let’s get as many people as possible involved in calling them out!

Thanks again,

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are constitutionally guaranteed to every American citizen.  The biblical view of marriage is a value we wholeheartedly endorse and believe to be one of the pillars of American society. That’s why this petition is so important!  Please take a moment right now to sign the petition, and then pass it on to others:


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