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Illegal aliens okayed to pilot over U.S. Skies

Grassfire Nation Update

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July 25, 2012

Twenty five illegal aliens were approved for flight training at a Boston area school by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Since the 9/11 tragedy, most might assume that stringent safeguards would be put in place to keep illegal aliens from being able to access flight training. But apparently not. According to the report, "a 'weakness' in TSA's Alien Flight Student Program, doesn't check immigration status."

First of all, who even knew that the TSA had an Alien Flight Student Program, and given the fact that it is an alien flight student program wouldn't it make great sense to check immigration status at the very top of the list?

Oh, and there's more ...

According to the report, three of the 25 illegal aliens who were approved for flight training already possessed flight credentials -- three had FAA pilot's licenses, two held FAA private pilot certificates and one held an FAA commercial pilot certificate.

The news didn't set well with Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security, who told CNSNews, "Ten

years after 9/11, there are foreign nationals in the United States trained to fly just like Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers did, and not all of them are necessarily getting a security background check."

Given how this administration panders to illegals -- undermining efforts by U.S. Border Patrol agents, threatening individual states that attempt to protect their own borders, it would be foolish to think this is an isolated incident.

As a nation we are under siege and we have a President who is using Executive Order, and subverting the U.S. Constitution to ensure that even more illegals flood across our borders!

Given the climate of our nation, it's hard not to argue that we are headed for another 9/11 attack!

+ + End the Lawlessness -- Secure Our Borders

For years, Grassfire has been actively engaged on the leading edge of the illegal invasion debate -- educating and rallying freedom-loving Americans to get involved in efforts to protect and preserve our sovereignty and security.

As the above story clearly shows, we are a nation in peril unless real, honest efforts are made to secure our borders -- to prevent this kind of activity from jeopardizing our nation and its people.

Obama's backdoor amnesty efforts through Executive Order and bypassing Congress demands action!

If you support secured borders and individual states rights to protect those borders, and oppose Obama's efforts to fast-track potentially millions of illegal aliens, take action with us by signing our petition.

Go here now to sign this important petition.

Even if you think you may have already signed this petition, we urge you to sign again. It takes just seconds, and our system will only count you once.

We simply want to maximize the grassroots impact on this issue!

Our goal is to deliver 200,000 petitions directly to key members of Congress who are working to bring Obama in line with our Constitution.

As freedom-loving Americans who have watched Obama and his Leftist cohorts trample our Constitution, we are duty-bound to respond and stand up for what is right.

Go here to sign and be included in our next petition delivery.

After signing, forward this message to your friends and family -- encouraging them to follow your lead by clicking here and adding their name to this important petition.

As citizens we must be vigilant and take steps to ensure the safety and security of our nation. We must act when our President blatantly disregards our Constitution, and  rewards lawless behavior.

Thank you for taking action with us. Watch for our updates on this unfolding situation.


Grassfire Nation


P.S. A million people or more engaging in illegal activities within our borders have been given a pass by the Obama Administration. Go here now to sign.


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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