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Harry Reid feeling the heat of 260,000 petitions

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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July 24, 2012

Yesterday Grassfire Nation representatives hand-delivered nearly 260,000 petitions demanding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid move immediately to schedule REPEAL ObamaCare for an up or down vote in the Senate on Capitol Hill ...

And while the petition delivery was taking place, Capitol Hill staffers were fielding thousands of calls and pulling off personalized faxes from Grassfire team members appealing to the most vulnerable Senators in the upcoming election!

Regardless of the outcome, this was a herculean effort, that really delivered a strong message -- not only to the obstructionist Harry Reid, but to dozens of Senators who are concerned that their political careers could go up in smoke based on their support of Obama's socialist healthcare takeover.

,I applaud the grassroots men and women who answered our call to action and exerted a tremendous amount of pressure on Reid and his liberal cohorts ...

This battle isn't over.

It might not end until patriots like you go to the polls in November. But based on the incredible outpouring of grassroots support to REPEAL ObamaCare, I am encouraged that Obama will be a one term President and that liberty-loving Americans who have been fighting so hard and so long these last four plus years will play a vital role in bringing our nation back from Obama's socialist desires.

I want to thank you for your efforts, and even though Reid has said he has no intention of bringing the REPEAL vote to the Senate floor, Grassfire Nation will continue giving citizens a platform with which to speak your mind!

We will not rest until every Senator is on notice over the REPEAL ObamaCare effort. Americans deserve to know where their lawmakers stand and they need to know that we are holding them all accountable.

Again, until Reid brings REPEAL ObamaCare to the floor for a fair up or down vote, this issue is not over.

So please continue alerting your friends and family, urging them to stand with you and 260,000 other Americans who are insisting a Senate vote.

Have them go here to sign and be included in our next petition delivery.

As always, thank you for your outstanding efforts and commitment on these critical issues that impact us all.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

P.S. Please continue calling your Senators, asking for a REPEAL ObamaCare vote.

Here is your contact information:

Senator Johnson: 202-224-5842

Senator Thune: 202-224-2321

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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