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Jim Babka President, Inc.

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July 23, 2012

Rand Paul Introduces "Read the Bills Act" in the Senate

Yes, that's right, all of these bills are now introduced in the Senate . . .

  • "The One Subject at a Time Act" (OSTA)
  • "The Write the Laws Act" (WTLA)
  • And "The Read the Bills Act" (RTBA)


Rand Paul has kept his promise to introduce all of these bills, including "Read the Bills." This is the bill we consider the most important and the most difficult to get sponsored.

Remember . . .

"Read the Bills" would force Congress to read every word of every bill they want to impose on you.

Even more challenging, bills would be read aloud, and at least half of them would have to sit through the reading.

And if they don't, the legislation would be considered null and void in court.

This would dramatically reduce the number and size of bills Congress passes, because they won't want to endure the fatigue of reading long bills. This would be a crucial reform, BUT . . .

If Congress won't pass OSTA, WTLA, and RTBA, then that's another sign that there's no hope for this institution, and the time has come to alter or abolish our present form of government.

We're about to enter a new phase. We're going to start arguing against political government, and in favor of something that we call . . .

Consumer Controlled Government

We'll be telling you more about this in the weeks and months ahead. But in the meantime . . .

We want to keep pressing Congress to pass our bills because . . .

  • They're a good recruitment tool, plus . . .
  • They provide a good last chance for Congress to justify its continued existence. 

So let's . . .

  • Thank Rand Paul for introducing "Read the Bills"
  • Ask your Senators to become co-sponsors
  • Ask your House Rep. to introduce the bill in that chamber

Do this . . .

Then do this . . .

Use our Educate the Powerful System to ask your supposed representatives to also sponsor "Read the Bills":

The hardwired letter to Congress for that campaign reads . . .

Rand Paul has introduced the "Read the Bills Act" (S. 3360) in the Senate. Please co-sponsor this bill.

Following is the letter I sent to Congress. You can copy or edit it for your personal comments . . .

If I must submit to every word of every bill you pass, then you must submit to READ every word of every bill you pass.

I DENY MY CONSENT for you to continue passing "laws" you haven't read.

Failing to read your bills amounts to legislation without representation. Revolutions have been fought for less than this. 

Please recognize that you're losing the consent of the American people, and that without that consent you have no legitimacy. Please reverse your course, or it will become necessary to alter or abolish you.

You can send your letter to Congress here:

You will notice that I'm moving forward with the Deny Consent strategy. But the approach reflected in my letter is just a first step. We're going to add details and new software to expand the power of this strategy. Stay tuned!

Next . . .

Last Monday and Wednesday we sent press releases about the One Subject at a Time Act and Write the Laws. We got thousands of web views. Now we want to do the same with Read the Bills. Can you contribute to reach as many media outlets as possible?

Are we earning your support?

Jim Babka

President, Inc.