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Breaking news: members of the military can demonstrate in uniforms in front of the DNC convention against usurper Obama with forged papers

Orly Taitz

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July 20, 2012

Until now members of the military were not allowed to demonstrate in uniforms. Now this ban was lifted, when members of the US military were allowed to march in their uniforms in a gay pride parade.

Here is a new line of attack: “American patriots against the usurper pride parade” in military uniforms. We need members of the military in their uniforms demonstrating in front of the DNC, RNC  conventions and in front of the American Bar association convention in Chicago. We need signs “Proud Americans against the Usurper”.  “End usurpation of the US Presidency, send Obama to prison”  “Prison for Obama and accomplices for forgery”.

Important: if members of the military can demonstrate in uniforms in gay pride parade, they can demonstrate in their uniforms in front of the DNC convention and demand prosecution of Obama for usurpation of the Presidency using forged papers.

PS. If someone is not given permission to demonstrate in a uniform in American pride against the usurper parade, let me know, we will sue the military for the discrimination. what’s good for the goose, good for the gander.