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Free Market Americans to Obama, 'You Didn't Build This!'

From the desk of Steve Elliott President, Co-Founder of Grassfire Nation

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July 19, 2012

It may be the most revealing comment President Obama has made in his four years in office, arrogantly telling Americans who seek to build success through initiative... 
“You didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
As a self-employed business owner, I was outraged and deeply offended by his comment. Obama certainly didn’t share my dream to use the Internet to engage conservative citizens. That was the dream of me and my partners. We took the risks. It was our sweat, blood and tears. In no way does Obama or any government statist deserve credit for building our success or failure.
But Obama didn’t just offend business owners. He offended every red-blooded American who still believes in the American dream!
Allow me to explain …
+ + Did Obama “Build” Your Life… Your Success?
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, who is not a business owner. While she understood my outrage, she was concerned she couldn’t totally relate because she wasn’t self-employed. So I asked her….
“What about your farm, your career, your investments…. Did somebody else make that happen?”
“Well. No.” she replied.
I continued, “What about your family, your children… did the government make that happen?”
“No,” she answered with more conviction.
“And how about your house? Did Obama build that?”
Her strong, two-word reply said it all: “Absolutely not!”
As you can see, every American is impacted by Obama’s statist notion that the government is the “builder” of our dreams.
That’s why it’s time for every patriotic American to rise up and REJECT any claim by Obama or the government to “building” or “making happen” what we have built and are building with our lives.
+ + Tell Obama: “You Didn’t Build This!”
I believe the grassroots response by Americans needs to be swift and compelling. That’s why we’ve launched a “Citizen Declaration” telling Obama and his statist minions that we -- not the government -- are responsible for our own success or failure.
With his comments in Virginia, Obama was stoking the fire -- agitating and trying to rile up his audience to take issue with anyone who strives for success or who believes in free market enterprise…
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, since he’s been engaged in sparking class warfare for years. But that’s why we must respond.
The founders of our nation certainly understood this in declaring independence from the King. Now, nearly 240 years later, we need to step up in similar fashion denouncing and declaring independence from “King Obama” or any statist official who has sites set on claiming our dreams, lives and fortunes.
Go here right now to tell Obama, “You Didn’t Build This!”
Whether you are self-employed or retired, a student or a stay-at-home mom, it’s time to set the record straight -- to send a strong message to the collectivists on Capitol Hill who see your success as their making … as if they somehow have a right or claim to that success!
We want to make some real noise with these Declarations. So as soon as we reach 50,000 “Citizen Declarations”, we will march them to the White House and Capitol Hill with a profound message that the government is not responsible for my life, my family, my career, my business or my success!
Click below to sign your “Citizen Declaration”:
Thank you for standing up to “King Obama” and letting him know that we are not his loyal subjects, but rather American patriots who REJECT his statist notions!
Grassfire Nation
P.S. Again, after signing, invite your friends and family to join with you by clicking here:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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