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From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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July 18, 2012

Despite the Obama administration and the liberal media propagandists who are trying desperately to pivot away from the House vote to REPEAL ObamaCare, and the outcry to bring it to the Senate for a full vote, the Conservative call to action is building to a near frenzy!


Alternative news and blogging sites continue boiling with Conservative outrage, and demands for Harry Reid to bring REPEAL ObamaCare to the Senate floor for an up or down vote!


In fact, it is so intense, Grassfire Nation has decided to push back our delivery from this Friday to next Monday morning simply to accomodate additional signers of our petition.

Now leading into this final weekend before our hand-delivery to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office Monday (July 23), we are calling on all members of our team that have signed this important petition to help us rally and mobilize enough grassroots support to shatter the 275,000 petition threshold!

Patrick, as I write this update we are less than 31,000 petitions shy of reaching that goal.


Nothing would make me happier than to drop 275,000 petitions on Harry Reid's desk on Monday -- each one DEMANDING HE BRING REPEAL OBAMACARE TO THE SENATE FLOOR...

But I am counting on your help over the weekend to reach and perhaps even surpass this lofty goal ...


+ + ACTION: Alert your Friends!


Obama and the Left are in a hurry to silence the repeal ObamaCare outcry. We can't allow them to dictate and control the message of the people!


Instead, conservatives need to increase the pressure by reaching out to more patriots with our REPEAL message, and the need to get our lawmakers on record prior to the election.

Forward this important alert to 30-40 of your friends and family members urging them to take fast action with you by clicking here and signing this grassroots petition.

To ensure their petition is delivered, have them click here before our 9 a.m. Monday (July 23) deadline.

Again, I am urging all who have signed this important petition to join with me between now and our petition deadline on Monday morning to reach, rally and mobilize the critically needed additional 31,000 citizen signers to push our petition totals past the 275,000 mark!


As always, thank you for your outstanding efforts and commitment on these critical issues that impact us all.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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