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DISCLOSE Act is Back

Matt Haws, Campaign for Liberty

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July 15, 2012

I knew when you and I defeated the so-called “DISCLOSE” Act in 2010, it wouldn’t be the last we’d hear about this dangerous bill.


Well, tomorrow night, a new version of “DISCLOSE” will head to the Senate floor for a cloture vote.


That’s why it’s vital you contact your U.S. senators IMMEDIATELY to DEMAND they vote against S. 3369 – the “DISCLOSE” Act of 2012.


You can find your U.S. senators' contact information HERE.  Since they’re out today, please leave a message so their staff will hear it as soon as they get to the office Monday morning.


Make no mistake, “DISCLOSE” is a thinly veiled scheme to shut us up and shut us down by GUTTING the First Amendment.


Under the “DISCLOSE” Act, if organizations like Campaign for Liberty spent more than $10,000 during a mandatory reporting period, the government could force them to hand over the personal information of many of their donors.


That mandatory reporting period would start 120 days before the first presidential primary or caucus (think August 2011), or on January 1 in the years when there’s only a congressional election - meaning the efforts of C4L and other organizations will be under almost non-stop scrutiny from those opposed to our work.


With “DISCLOSE” in effect, Campaign for Liberty could be forced to hand over information on our donors if bureaucrats feel our projects to hold politicians accountable were “influencing elections.”


Think about it for a second.


If Campaign for Liberty reports to constituents on how their representative and senators voted on Audit the Fed, for example, “DISCLOSE” leaves it up to government’s discretion whether or not that activity constitutes “electioneering” instead of being what it plainly is – keeping our politicians honest.


Just imagine the banksters’ bureaucrat pals having the chance to get more information on which donors are helping us take the fight to the Fed.


Or a government already committed to invading every single area of our privacy attempting to learn more about the members who are helping us end the TSA and repeal the so-called “Patriot” Act, if such efforts are deemed to be in non-compliance.


These are scenarios you and I can’t allow to happen – and why it’s vital you contact your senators IMMEDIATELY.


When our rights are left up to vague legislative language, no good can result.


DEMAND both your U.S. senators vote AGAINST the “DISCLOSE” Act at every opportunity, including tomorrow night’s cloture vote.


This is one battle you and I literally can’t afford to lose.


So please, find your U.S. senators' information HERE and DEMAND they vote against S. 3369 – the so-called “DISCLOSE” Act of 2012 - at every opportunity.


Leave them a message so their staff is sure to receive it as soon as they get into the office Monday morning.


In Liberty,

Matt Hawes

Vice President


P.S. The so-called “DISCLOSE” Act will be coming up for a cloture vote in the Senate tomorrow.


This dangerous legislation is designed to stifle free speech and force organizations like Campaign for Liberty to hand over more information on our grassroots members!


So please, find your U.S. senators' information HERE and DEMAND they vote against S. 3369 – the so-called “DISCLOSE” Act of 2012 - at every opportunity, including tomorrow night’s cloture vote.