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Americans Moving From Fear to Anger Against the Government.

The Watchdog

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July 13, 2012

American is still worth fighting for. Me like many other people who remember back on the day of September 11, 2001. Many Americans were scared because of this spectacular event that was a false flag made many people become angry blaming the Muslims.  With this attack on our soil. People’s fear robbed Americans of their rational thought and common sense willing to allow the government to keep them safe.

They got away with scaring the people into giving up their God given liberties for safety. What the Democrats failed to pass after the OKC bombing they got with the WTC attacks. That is the Patriot Act which should be called Repeal the Fourth Amendment and Due Process Act and the TSA should have been named the Tyrannical Stasi Agents instead of the Transportation Security Administration.

Now since the fog and the hype has dissipated from 9-11. People are starting to look at history and now conclude we do not need a Patriot Act to catch Terrorist. With the Bill of Rights preserving due process. We sent people to prison who were part of the Weather Underground and FALN who did real terrorist attacks on Police officers and Federal Buildings back in the 1960s and the 1970s. Many  Americans are now seeing the Patriot Act and the ramp up of a police state with all these wars were unnecessary and tyrannical.

They are still using the Sept 11 event as an excuse over 10 years later to pass new laws or adopt new rules in the Bureaucracy to invade every facet of a person’s life to protect us from the CIA created Al Quaida. The fear is now turning to anger because now the government is getting in people’s faces and trying to strong arm the Americans to submit to tyrany or Osama Bin Laden will get us. We learned the Terror plots supposedly to catch the bad guys was planned by the FBI, carried out and funded by the FBI and stopped by this Agency with a patsy who had a low IQ caught with explosives provided by the US government to scare the people into giving more rights having our personal and financial privacy taken away. The Underwear Bomber was put on the Plane by the US Government to justify groping and the full body scanners in the Airports. There was no terror threat to begin with, it all has been fabricated by the US government as a means to shred our Bill of Rights and rule over us with absolute power.

Then the excuse of 9-11 to implement more draconian measures are now moving their focus away from Muslims and now turning on the American people as the threat to national security. People are no longer afraid, they are starting to get angry and disgusted. They are tired of being told we are all suspect innocent until proven guilty and to feel less then human as being a possible threat while the border is wide open to illegal aliens running across the Rio Grande. Now they are committing crimes and putting a strain on our nation. The government does not enforce the immigration laws and the police leave the illegal aliens alone when they commit crimes. But as Americans we get the book thrown at us for the smallest infraction.

People are through being afraid of the Muslims because they are not the real threat. The Americans are now no longer afraid of the Government after putting up with their abuses ever since Sept 11th and years before. They are now disgusted with the absurdity of the Police State measures used of highway checkpoints and the brutality of the government attacking people for the most mundane things that really have nothing to do with public safety or national security. But more about control and getting to people to cower down to the system.

With people buying five million guns a month now at a record level. They are not buying guns to go duck hunting, they do not trust the government anymore and see the Politicians in Washington as the real threat.The American people see the real terrorist who occupies the US Government. The corrupt minions see the red blooded Americans as the threat to the corrupt establishment. When Obama and his goons try to drop the hammer. The tactics they used in the past to take over nations will fail here because we are armed and we are fed up. We are no longer afraid, we are just pissed off. We do not want the government to keep us safe. We just want to be left alone.