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LIVE: TPP Protest San Diego: 300 March To Stop TPP. See The Pictures!

Brett Redmayne-Titley

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July 9, 2012

On Sat. July 7, 2012, nearly three hundred concerned Americans rallied at The Civic Center in downtown San Diego. They were there to protest, and make their American brethren aware of, the insidious corporate legislation known as the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty (TPP). From July 2-10 secret negotiations, that exclude all elected US political officials


Author's Note :This is Part Five of my reporting LIVE from the TPP negotiations in San Diego.For information not repeated here please see:

Part One: (See link: Op-Ed News 6/24/12 )

Part Two: (See link Op-Ed News 6/28/12 )

Part Three:(See link: Op-Ed News 7/3/12)

Part Four: (See link: Op-Ed News 7/7/12)

All 596 picures from Saturday's TPP protest are available for viewing Look in my "politics" section for this Protest.Enjoy.