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Over One Million Signatures Delivered! Now What?

Robert Applebaum

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July 5, 2012

As you're probably already aware, last Thursday, June 28th, I presented Rep. Hansen Clarke with over One MILLION signatures in support of his legislation, H.R. 4170, The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012.

The petition is so successful that more than 157,000 people, on top of the original One Million, have now signed on to show their support.  But this is only the beginning. 

Our voices are being heard, but we have to continue to demand that Congress take action.  With Congress taking repeated vacations while the rest of the American people continue to struggle, not to mention the unprecedented obstructionism and inaction we've seen in Washington lately, as all eyes are focused on the upcoming elections; we have to stand strong and continue to be the "squeaky wheel that gets the grease."

Now that the petition has been delivered, it's time we demand that the House Committee on Education & The Workforce take action on H.R. 4170. 

Therefore, please click here to send your message to Chairman John Kline, demanding that he hold hearings on H.R. 4170 immediately.  Over a million voices cannot be ignored, especially if those voices continue to make noise and refuse to be ignored. 

Speak your heart and your mind. . .just be sure to speak up and demand that your voice be heard!  Failure to remain engaged now would be the same as just giving up and resigning yourself to the notion that nothing can ever change.  I outright reject that premise, and I hope you do the same!

As always, thank you for your continued support!  The only way we were able to get this far is by sticking together and keeping the pressure on our leaders in Washington.  Now, let's keep up that momentum by writing to the Chairman of the House Committee on Education and The Workforce and demanding that he hold hearings on H.R. 4170, The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012!


Robert Applebaum, Founder of

Twitter: @bobbyapples
