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ObamaCare is here. How will you respond?

Grassfire Nation Update

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June 29, 2012

It is a ruling that will fundamentally change our nation!
But those most likely to be crushed by the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling are citizens who are over 50. 
Severe cuts in Medicare and Medicare Advantage will make older Americans more dependent on traditional Medicare and provide them with fewer choices. There is no question rationed care will become reality, as will the loss of freedom and choice.
However with this ruling, all Americans lose – and we will lose big if we don’t use the days and weeks leading to what House Speaker Boehner himself calls, “The most important election of our day.”
Grassfire Nation teamed with Conservative 50 Plus a conservative alternative to the Obama-sympathizers at AARP, because they have the best interests of mature Americans at their core. They refuse to be co-opted by special interests and those seeking to transform our nation into something our Founding Father’s could never have imagined …
Conservative 50 Plus, is committed to giving Americans 50 and over a voice and a platform with which to speak. And right now, in the wake of this egregious ruling, there has never been a more important time for them to speak!
Already, Conservative 50 Plus’s petition opposing ObamaCare has rallied tens of thousands of Americans -- those who stand to be hurt the most. 
But, millions of mature Americans are listening to and being misled by the rhetoric of AARP and of the President who exclaimed following the ruling that today was “A victory for all Americans!”
Who is he kidding?
Conservative 50 Plus is eager to boldly expand grassroots efforts to enlighten those who are being misled – to bring the truth of ObamaCare to light and to make certain this statist regime is defeated in November …
But they need your help.
Can you step up right now with a gift of $20, $30, $50, or even $100 or more to help them identify and reach those Americans with the truth about ObamaCare?
Go here now to make your best gift right now:
This November is the last chance … and Conservative 50 Plus is committed to reaching and enlightening tens of thousands more citizens to take a principled stand against this administration come Election Day!
Go here now to help:
If you aren’t interested in becoming a loyal subject to Obama and the ever-expanding federal government, take action today. Any gift made will be poured back into efforts to defeat Obama and reset our nation back on its foundational stones.
Go here now to expand your personal impact against ObamaCare:
Thank you for being such a key part of our team.
Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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