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Holder Petitions on Capitol Hill -- Your Action Needed


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June 27, 2012


162,063 "Holder Must Go!" Petitions on Capitol Hill ...


Over the last week leading to the House's scheduled  "Contempt Of Congress" vote against Attorney General Eric Holder THIS THURSDAY (June 28), Grassfire team members have helped to rally more than 40,000 additional signers of our petition!


Right now 162,063 petitions representing every state in the nation are about to be delivered to House Speaker Boehner, Chairman of the Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, and minority leader Nancy Pelosi, prior to tomorrow's historic vote.


Once again team members have rallied to make this delivery one for the ages ...


But in the hours leading to the contempt vote, more must be done. Grassfire has learned that a growing number of democrats are considering voting for the contempt charges. This is critically important, and a key reason why we are calling on key members of our team to take immediate action by scheduling personalized faxes to key democrats -- many who may need a gentle nudge from constituents and concerned patriots!




With petitions being delivered today, it's vital grassroots Americans impact those casting the votes by delivering personal messages directly to their Representatives and other key members of Congress.


Our FaxFire system will deliver your message directly to Congress. Go here to schedule your faxes:


With a strong fax barrage, we believe Americans can help bring answers and closure to the family of slain U.S. Border Agent Brian A. Terry.


Go here now to have your faxes scheduled for immediate delivery.





After scheduling your faxes, take a few additional moments to contact your Representative and let him or her know where you stand on Holder's actions and his future.


Representative: Noem 202-225-2801


Again, thank you for your outstanding grassroots efforts. We are continually amazed by our team of patriots!


Grassfire Nation


P.S. For the latest information and insight into the Holder contempt scandal, be sure to visit Grassfire Nation's news portal,


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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