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Mature Americans to Obama, 'Marriage Matters'

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Jue 27, 2012

From: Conservative 50 Plus


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Thank you for standing with Conservative 50 Plus in response to President Obama's comments that he wants to repeal the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) - a move that would radicalize marriage in America by affording protections to legally marriage homosexual couples.


Please forward this message to your friends today and ask them to join you by clicking below and signing our national petition.

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Dear friend,


President Obama's comments during a New York City fundraiser that he would like to see the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) repealed should serve as a strong warning to those in America who view marriage as the sacred union between one man and one woman.


With an emboldened homosexual lobby by his side, Obama essentially put the vast majority of Americans who support DOMA and a state's right to define and protect marriage in his crosshairs.


Earlier in his tenure, Obama thumbed his nose at our legal system when he instructed the Department of Justice not to defend DOMA in court when it is attacked!


Now he's essentially cleared the path for homosexual activist groups to continue their assault on traditional marriage and the family by empowering - even encouraging them to advance their radicalized agenda at the expense of the American public that time and time again has made their voice and their intentions clear by voting to define marriage as the union between one man and one woman only.


Right now the inappropriately named Respect for Marriage Act (S. 598, and H.R. 1119) is gaining momentum in both the House and Senate. Don't be deceived by the name of the bills.

This is an open assault on traditional marriage and an attempt to repeal DOMA - and throwing open the door to radicalizing marriage in America!


I've just added my name to a Conservative 50 Plus petition telling President Obama that "Marriage Matters" in the U.S., and I'm asking you to join with me by clicking below:


Conservative 50+, fast-growing, alternative alliance for conservatives age 50 plus is moving to rally 50,000 mature citizens who are demanding Obama and Congress defend DOMA law and protect traditional marriage in America!


As soon as 50,000 Americans sign their national petition, they will hand-deliver your petitions to the White House as well as key leaders in both the House and Senate.


Click on the link below to quickly add your name to this petition:




(Your Name)