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Audit the Fed: Make Eric Cantor keep his word

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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June 26, 2012

Quote of the Day: "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." - Yogi Berra

We have good news to report!

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has promised a July vote on Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve (HR 459).

Please help make sure Cantor keeps his word. We have created two sample letters for this purpose.

See if your Representative is a sponsor of HR 459 here.

If he is she IS a cosponsor, you may borrow from or copy this letter and paste it in the personal comments section of's Audit the Fed letter...

I am cc'ing my Senators to let them know how important this is to me.

Thank you for co-sponsoring HR 459, Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill.

Rep. Cantor has promised there will be a vote on the bill in July.

Let him know that you are expecting such a vote. Don't let him change his mind.

Also, oppose amendments.

Oppose any effort to dilute it or to attach it to some other bill.

Most importantly, do NOT withdraw your sponsorship. Vote for the bill!

Thanks again.


If your Represenative has NOT sponsored HR 459, you may borrow from or copy this letter and paste it in the personal comments section of's Audit the Fed letter...

I am cc'ing my Senators to let them know how important this is to me.

Majority Leader Cantor has promised that Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, HR 459, will be voted on in July.

I insist that you sign on as a co-sponsor and then vote for the bill.

You may think...

* The Fed already has an annual audit.

* The Dodd-Frank law provided for a more extensive audit.

But these are limited and woefully inadequate.

* The Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee sets interest rates and determines the money supply.

* This means it has more influence on my life and the economy than any government agency.

* And yet, this Committee operates in secrecy, and its decisions are final.

I do NOT consent to this economic dictatorship!

The money supply and interest rates are too important to be left to either politicians or unelected bureaucrats. An audit of the Federal Reserve will expose the Fed's cronyism and incompetence. It might force reforms and, hopefully, its dissolution.

Do you value tranpsarency?

Or do you want the economy and welfare of the American people to be determined by a secret cabal?

Sponsor HR 459. Oppose any amendments or dilution to the bill. Tell Rep. Cantor you have done so, and that you expect a July vote as promised.

Thanks in advance for doing the right thing.


You can send either letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And we encourage you to forward this Dispatch to like-minded friends and share it on your social networks.

Thanks for your help!

Jim Babka

President, Inc.