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Grassfire Nation Update

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June 25, 2012

With a House "contempt" vote looming, a new poll by The Hill says growing numbers of voters believe President Obama "inapproritately" used executive power in blocking "Fast and Furious" documents from coming to light.

But perhaps more importantly, for the first time Republicans and Democrats saw nearly identical poll numbers -- as clearly the American public want answers over more political spin.


Now as that sentiment percolates on Capitol Hill, Grassfire Nation is in final preparations to hand-deliver "Holder Must Go!" petitions to key House leadership prior to the contempt vote -- demanding justice and closure for slain Border Agent Brian A. Terrry's family.

But leading to this important -- even historic vote, we're asking key members of our team to bring grassroots outrage over "Fast and Furious" to a boil -- by faxing your lawmakers and other key members of Congress -- demanding justice for the Terry family!

Go here now to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery

+ + With blood on his hands ...

With Brian Terry's blood on Eric Holder's hands he chose to hide behind the President's coat-tails -- making it even more difficult for the Terry family to find answers to questions that have been tearing them apart for more than two years.

Of course the Obama-controlled liberal media isn't demanding answers. Obama himself isn't demanding answers ... The truth will only come to light if patriots like you refuse to be silent.

And that's where grassroots Americans like you can help, Patrick. You and others like you can help bring closure to this horrifying chapter in our nation's history by dramatically increasing pressure on lawmakers leading up to this vote.

Your faxes make an immediate impact on those who will be casting contempt votes. You have the power to make a personal appeal on behalf of the Terry family and Americans nationwide for justice and truth, right now!

Go here to schedule your faxes to your Congressmen and other key leaders.

At this time, it is vital that grassroots Americans are unrelenting in their quest for justice and ultimately closure for the Terry family.

That's why this petition and fax effort are so critical.

Take action right now by faxing your thoughts and concerns about "Fast and Furious", Eric Holder and most importantly the memory of Brian A. Terry to key members of Congress before this important vote.

Go here to schedule your faxes.

Let them know that you will be closely monitoring his/her actions during the full House vote.

Thanks for taking action.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. For the latest information and insight into the Holder contempt scandal, be sure to visit Grassfire Nation's news portal,

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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