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You hold the key to Eric Holder's fate

Grassfire Nation Update

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June 21, 2012

After yesterday's history making vote by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee finding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for  failure to comply with multiple requests to hand over documents pertaining to the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal, Grassfire Nation sounded the alarm for patriots to increase their pressure on Congress -- demanding Holder must resign!

This morning, Grassfire President Steve Elliott likened the Holder contempt to that of Watergate saying, "Watergate exploded because the media refused to let it go. They kept increasing pressure until Congress had no choice but to act. That's what grassroots patriots must do with Holder. We must demand justice, and accountability, and we need to bring this to a boil in demanding Holder resign.

He's right.


Grassroots Americans like yourself hold the keys to Eric Holder's fate. The only question is whether or not you will play a vital role in helping to dramatically increase pressure on Congress between now and the full House vote early next week!

Here's how you can help, today.

+ + Action Item #1 -- Alert your friends

Unfortunately we don't know precisely when the full House vote will take place. We do know that it will happen early next week, and as a result, Steve Elliott has put the Grassfire staff on high alert -- ready to deliver petitions by 9 a.m. Monday morning if necessary!

But even more importantly, between now and our delivery to key House leaders, he wants to rally an additional 50,000 citizen petitions.

"How grassroots Americans respond in the days and weeks after the contempt vote will determine Holder's fate. Will this be a grassroots Watergate? Or will Americans become complacent and move on even though justice has yet to be served?"

This is a groundshaking moment for grassroots Americans, and as we said yesterday, now is not the time to back off.

Instead, help ramp up the pressure by forwarding this message to everyone in your personal mailbox -- urge them to take immediate action with you by going here.

But don't delay.

As we said above, we must be ready to move forward with our EMERGENCY PETITION DELIVERY at 9 a.m. Monday morning if need be ...

So to ensure your friends are included in this delivery, encourage them to sign our "Holder Must Go!" petition as soon as they receive your forwarded alert!

Again, encourage them to go here now to be included.

+ + Action Item #2 -- Call Your Congressman

After forwarding our message, take a few additional moments to contact your Congressman, letting him/her know where you stand on Eric Holder.

Encourage them to stand for justice and accountability by demanding Holder's resignation and supporting legislative efforts to remove him from office.

Let them know that you will be closely monitoring his/her actions during the full House vote.

Thanks for taking action.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. For the latest information and insight into the Holder contempt scandal, be sure to visit Grassfire Nation's news portal,

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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