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Congress to find Holder in contempt; tell the media that we hold them in contempt for their cover-up of Fast and Furious

From the Desk of: David Martin, Executive Vice President Media Research Center

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June 18, 2012

Informed Americans are disgusted by our own government giving guns to Mexican gangs under the Fast and Furious program.  We at MRC Action are also disgusted by the media’s shameful cover-up of this scandal, and our outrage has reached a tipping point.

This scandal is spiraling out of control with Congress scheduling a vote to hold the U.S. Attorney General in contempt for withholding evidence of his involvement in this scandal from Congress. Holder himself is calling this contempt vote a “Constitutional Crisis.” But what is the liberal media calling it? Nothing. They can’t be bothered to report on this historic scandal.

Tens of thousands of you have already signed our petition demanding that the media report the truth about this scandal. If you haven’t done so yet, click here to join the fight against the media’s Fast and Furious blackout!

The historic Congressional vote will take place this Wednesday, June 20. We will deliver your petitions to ABC, NBC and CBS that same day!

The Fast and Furious scandal led to the murder of a U.S. border patrol agent, but the derelict media have shown little or no interest in reporting this story because they don’t want to embarrass the Obama Administration during this critical election cycle. They’re playing politics and blatantly shirking their duties as journalists.

The Media Research Center’s has thoroughly covered this story, informing the American people and holding the Obama Administration accountable. It is unacceptable and disgraceful that the Big Three news networks have not followed our lead.

All signatures will go the the printers at 5 PM ET on TUESDAY, JUNE 19We will be delivering the petitions to ABC, NBC and CBS THIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. This gives us just 24 hours to get more patriotic conservatives to demand that the media stop covering up Obama’s scandals.

If you already signed the petition demanding that the liberal media Tell the Truth about Fast and Furious, thank you! We only ask that you please forward the petition to you friends and family to give them the opportunity to hold the media accountable for keeping Americans in the dark about a massive scandal that put lives in danger on both sides of the U.S. Mexico border.

If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please do so now! The so-called “news” media must be reminded that millions of patriotic Americans won’t stand for such brazen politically-driven manipulation of the news.

The media’s goal is to protect the Obama Administration. We have 24 hours to let them know that this is unacceptable to millions of Americans, who want the media to stop serving as the chief propagandists for the Obama Administration.

Thank you.


David Martin