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Update: Holder working back-room deal?

Grassfire Nation Update

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June 14, 2012

A quick update on the Holder-Issa showdown....

It seems yet another back-room deal is in the works. GOP leaders are now talking about "compromise," while Holder says he is willing to look for "creative ways" to "make this material available." 

After months of obfuscation and misdirection on the Gun-Walking scandal, now the Attorney General and Congress are going to go behind closed doors and find "creative ways" to settle what amounts to a gross politicization of our nation's law enforcement agency?

Patrick, we are moving quickly to next week's scheduled "Contempt Of Congress" vote and Grassfire Nation's petition delivery.

But it now looks like Congress and the Obama team may resort to a closed-door deal!


We are asking every team member to support the delivery of their petitions by ordering "Holder Must Go" faxes to be sent to their Congressman and other key members of Congress.


GO HERE NOW to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery, demanding that Congress confront the corruption of the Holder regime:


Be sure to call your Representative and two Senators and let them know where you stand on Holder's actions and his future.

Representative: Noem 202-225-2801

Senator: Johnson 202-224-5842

Senator: Thune 202-224-2321

Thanks for taking action.

Grassfire Nation


Send Faxes To Congress

Fox News: Holder looking for "creative ways"

Liberty News story on Contempt charges

Cornyn calls for Holder's Resignation


ABC News overview

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