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BREAKING: Congress to vote on Holder Contempt charges

Grassfire Nation Update

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Grassfire Nation Update






We have just learned that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has scheduled a "Contempt Of Congress" vote against Attorney General Eric Holder for NEXT WEEK.


This is clearly a result of rising grassroots pressure from citizens who are demanding that Holder cooperate so our elected officials can get to the bottom of what Holder and his team really knew about the botched "Fast And Furious" gun-walking scandal.




Grassfire Nation has restructured our FaxFire to specifically address the issue of the "Contempt Of Congress" vote next week.


We have also added EVERY MEMBER of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee which will be voting next week.


If you are outraged by Holder's ongoing obstruction and want to express your opinion before next week's Contempt of Congress vote, go here now and schedule your faxes:


(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you so choose.)




The petition you already signed is now scheduled to be included in our next delivery to the House Oversight Committee prior to the vote. We want to deliver over 200,000 citizen contacts in the form of petitions and faxes before the vote. But to do so, we need to add tens of thousands of petitions and faxes this week.


Again.... House Republicans are moving forward with "Contempt Of Congress" charges against Holder. This is HUGE breaking news. Many pundits thought the GOP would not be willing to make such a bold step in an election year. Well, they have. Now, the outcome will depend on what citizens like you do next.


Please go here to schedule your faxes.


Thanks for taking action.


Grassfire Nation


P.S. Even if you already scheduled faxes in the past few weeks, please consider doing so again. This first Contempt vote is absolutely crucial. Go here to schedule faxes.


If you did not see Rep. Issa's bold confrontation with Holder that took place last week, go here to watch that video:




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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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