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Conservative bloggers attacked, silenced

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation - Grassfire Nation Update

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June 9, 2012

In recent weeks a very dangerous pattern of personal attacks against conservative bloggers has occurred with increasing frequency.


Combined with a related decision last week by a judge to place a gag order on a conservative blogger, we now face a real threat to conservative speech at the grassroots level just as the election season is beginning to heat up.


The situation is so serious that Sen. Saxby Chambliss has written a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder calling for a full investigation into what appears to be orchestrated attacks against conservative bloggers.


+ + Conservative Bloggers Getting "SWAT" Attacks


This pattern of attacks has increased in recent months, with Leftist blogs posting the personal information, addresses and pictures of the homes of conservative bloggers.


Thing have become altogether dangerous thanks to a new strategy from the Left called “SWAT-ing.” Here's how "SWAT-ing" works....


A bogus 911 call is made claiming that there has been a shooting (or some other act of domestic violence) at the home of a conservative blogger. Usually these "SWAT-ing" calls are made in the middle of the night. Per emergency protocol, such a 911 call triggers a guns-drawn police action at the blogger's home which puts the blogger and his or her family at immediate risk.





The goal, of course, is to silence the blogger through intimidation.... "We know where you live... We can reach you in your home."


+ + Blogger Gagged By Judge


Leftist individuals and groups funded by the likes of George Soros are also taking to filing frivolous lawsuits against conservative bloggers who simply do not have the "deep pockets' resources to fight back.


Those who do fight can find themselves in court facing a liberal judge who has no problem putting a "gag order" on the conservative blogger. This happened just last week.


Of course, the liberal media have not been quick to pick up the story -- although Fox News and even the ABC News online have reported on this in recent days. (See links below for stories and background information.)


+ + Action: Demand A Full Investigation


As I noted above, Sen. Chambliss has just issued a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder calling for the Justice Department to conduct a full investigation into the alleged "SWAT-ing" attacks against conservative bloggers.


This is an issue of vital concern to conservatives in our nation, especially in this election year. Our conservative bloggers are doing more to keep the statist machine in check than the entire establishment mainstream media -- with none of the deep-pocket resources.

That 's why I'm asking you to stand with your fellow conservatives who are working in the ideological trenches against what appears to be orchestrated efforts to silence conservative speech.



Go here to sign Grassfire's National Petition to stop the attacks on conservative speech:


I've listed several resources below for you, including a post from Michelle Malkin who has taken the lead in helping to break through the liberal media's silence on this issue.


Thanks for taking a stand.


Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation


+ + Resources

Sign Grassfire's Petition

Liberty News story

Blogger Patterico tells of being "SWAT-ted"

The Blaze backgrounder on Soros-funded attacks

Michelle Malkin on the silenced conservative blogger

Donation page to support attacked bloggers

ABC News story

Sen. Chambliss' release and letter to DOJ



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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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