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Tell Obama and Senate: End Indefinite Detention Now!

Mary Neal

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June 8, 2012

To President Obama:  You can put an end to indefinite detention.  Having lost your request for reconsideration, I urge you not to further appeal the ruling by Judge Forrest that makes it clear that indefinite detention violates the Constitution.

To My Senators:  I urge you to stand with the Constitution and oppose indefinite detention during the debate on this year's NDAA.



More great news on the NDAA lawsuit:   Federal Judge Kathryn Forrest just rejected the Obama administration's request that she reverse her ruling against indefinite detention.

In May, Chris Hedges, Revolution Truth, et al won their lawsuit asserting that indefinite detention violates the Constitution.  More than 50,000 Demand Progress members have signed on as supporters of the lawsuit.

Obama requested a reversal of the decision, which was just rejected.  Now Obama needs to decide if he'll take his crusade against the Constitution to a higher court.  And the Senate is taking up indefinite detention as it debates this year's NDAA later this month.

Please sign up at right to urge Obama and the Senate to stop supporting indefinite detention.

Obama signed last year's National Defense Authorization Act even though it included provisions which could let the military detain civilians indefinitely without a trial or charges.

Despite a valiant effort by opponents, the House retained indefinite detention when it passed the new NDAA last month.  The Senate will take it up soon, and President Obama can drop his defense of it in court.

Just add your name at right to send emails to Obama and the Senate right away, and please share this with your friends by using the links below.

The New York Times covers the judge's ruling here.



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