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The Odds Are Now Against Sheriff Joe


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June 8, 2012

Dear Patriot,

Sheriff Joe is in the middle of the biggest fight of his life.

Attorney General Eric Holder has just filed suit trying to destroy this man's reputation.

Pro-illegal immigrant activists have produced a slanderous movie calling Sheriff Joe a racist.

Left-wing billionaire George Soros has pledged to spend millions to defeat America's toughest Sheriff.

And Joe Arpaio's opponents are raising record sums of money for his campaign.

Please, make an urgent donation to Americans for Sheriff Joe right away. $15, $20, $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can afford.

I fully expect Sheriff Joe's opponents will begin air attack ads against him any day now. We need to make up this budget shortfall quickly so we can refute these lies and remain on offense during this campaign.

Please click here to make a special, urgent contribution.

This may be the nastiest political campaign in the history of America.

The radical left wants to defeat Joe Arpaio more than anything.

They are spending millions of YOUR taxes on lawsuits to destroy this man. They are pouring money and professional activists into Maricopa County simply to defeat a single Arizona county sheriff.

They are obsessed against Sheriff Joe!

So, I need you to be as equally fired up to defend this American hero.

Too many Americans seem to believe that Sheriff Joe can't be defeated. They think that he's won so many elections and that he is so beloved that nobody in their right mind would throw him out of office.

So, they have held back helping this brave man. And that may be why our campaign is falling behind in our fundraising schedule.

It is true that Sheriff Joe is currently very popular in his county. And it is certainly the case that this man is as tough as nails.

However, the political onslaught he's facing is unprecedented in American history.

He is battling against the entire might and fury of the Obama Administration, the illegal alien lobby, all the leftist Occupy Wall Street protesters and at least one left-wing billionaire!

Frankly, the odds are against Sheriff Joe. His enemies have nearly unlimited resources to spread lies and smears.

That's why he needs YOU.

Please make an urgent contribution to Americans for Sheriff Joe campaign right away.

We need to  remain on the political offensive. We need to defend Sheriff Joe!

Please do what you can.

For America,

John Philip Sousa IV

National Chairman