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Backed into a corner

Rand Paul

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June 7, 2012

Fierce battles are all around us. I am fighting them every day in the U.S. Senate, as statists from both parties seek to thrust upon us ever-expanding Big Government schemes. Whether it is slugging it out over SOPA, or trying to thwart the roaming hands of the TSA, there is no doubt about it - you and I have our hands full right now.

And so do my friends at Campaign for Liberty. You see, in nearly every battle we fight here in Washington or in state legislatures around the country, every time we stand for liberty, Campaign for Liberty helps lead the charge and rally the grassroots Americans needed to prevail.

Some battles we have won - for now. In others, well, we are just barely holding them off.

I ask you today to redouble your efforts for Liberty - and to stand shoulder to shoulder with my friends at Campaign for Liberty as you do so.

Please take a moment to read the email below from Campaign for Liberty and to fill out their Supporter's Directive today. They need your help as they set their priorities for the remainder of this year.

Thank you for all you do.

For Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul


Campaign for Liberty

When you're backed into a corner, all you can do is FIGHT your way out.

Today, that's exactly where Patriots like you and me find ourselves.

It doesn't matter that the Big Government politicians from BOTH parties have nearly wrecked and bankrupted our country.

The out-of-control Fed. . . Trillion-dollar stimulus bills... Record deficits... Massive debt ceiling hikes.

Bailouts... Government takeover of the Auto industry... Taxpayer-funded handouts for bankers and Wall Street...

I'm sick and tired of it.  And I'm sure you are, too.

Even after Speaker Pelosi was thrown out and Republicans took over the House, one thing remained clear: You and I can't count on politicians in either party to do the right thing - not without being pushed.

The good news is Campaign for Liberty is fighting back.

But because there are so many battles to fight, I need your help and advice today in order to set our priorities for the second half of 2012.

Your support for ALL of Campaign for Liberty's critical efforts is absolutely vital, including:

***  AUDIT THE FED, so the American people can finally see the corruption and economic devastation caused by the central planning of a handful of bankster bureaucrats;

***  REPEALING OBAMACARE: Government control over medicine will not only lead to astronomical tax hikes and loss of coverage, but it will give Big Government bureaucrats decision-making power over our health care system and virtually EVERY medical decision;

***  PASSING Senator Rand Paul's five-year balanced budget to finally get our debt under control;

***  STOPPING government groping and the growing erosion of our liberties;

***  OPPOSING CISPA, SOPA, and any other attempt by government to tax, regulate, monitor, or control the Internet.  C4L will also fight the corporate cronies who collaborate with the government against Internet freedom.

C4L has already made a tremendous amount of progress on these initiatives, but in order for us to keep fighting each of these battles, I need your help.

First, please fill out the Supporter's Directive to let me know what YOUR top priorities are.

Sign the Directive

Then, help us keep up the hard work to push Congress to act.

You see, today is a new day for our movement.

You know, it's funny.  If you read a newspaper, you won't see a whole lot about it.

But something is happening out there.

Tens of thousands of young people are rallying for freedom.  Passionate activists are sacrificing to become active in local parties and elections.

And more and more representatives and senators are paying attention.

Audit the Fed gains steam every day.  SOPA was pushed back in the first battle of what will be a long war for the Internet.

Liberties lost are being fought for again.

So what's happening?  Where is the pressure coming from?

It's simple.  It's YOU!

It's called a grassroots Revolution.

And if you and I can succeed, Washington, D.C. and your state government will never be the same.

But there's still much, MUCH more work to be done if we're going to hold on to the precious freedoms we still enjoy and restore the freedoms that have been whittled away.

This is not a battle that will be won in weeks, or even months.  You and I must prepare for a long-term revolution to take back our country and our liberty.

In the past, the socialists and statists have used crises like our current economic disaster to grab more and more power.

Now, they're trotting out the same tired playbook to try to take more of our money and liberty with each passing day.

The only difference is that - in the past - there's been no cohesive organized opposition ready and able to fight back.

But today, there is Campaign for Liberty

And you.

Sign the Directive

There are literally hundreds of thousands of folks all over the country just like YOU.  And together, we must fight back and not retreat from this challenge.

Of course, just knowing how the regime works and what it's up to aren't going to be enough.

As I've said before, we have to throw punches of our own.

It's sad but true - too many politicians don't care about right or wrong or what's good or bad for America.

If they did, they wouldn't be so intent on stripping us of our God-given rights, plunging us into unconstitutional, undeclared wars, and spending us to the verge of bankruptcy!

At the end of the day, too many politicians care ONLY about getting and keeping POWER. 

That's why if our movement is to succeed, you and I must keep FIGHTING back to DEFEAT the Big Government politicians' pet legislation.

And then we must hold the politicians accountable, as well. 

But to do this, our Revolution must continue to grow.

Sign the Directive

Already, we've recruited over half a million supporters for Campaign for Liberty. 

But that's nowhere near the number we'll need to really bring pressure to our elected officials.  And our research indicates there may be as many as 700,000 more ready to join us – if we can reach them.

As I'm sure you know, recruiting like-minded Americans to our cause through direct mail, phone banking, and the Internet takes a good deal of money.

Campaigns like the one we're about to embark on to push Audit the Fed to a final vote are even more expensive.

And unlike the government, we can't just print money to cover our operations.

That's why I'm counting on you.

I'm counting on you to chip in a contribution TODAY to help Campaign for Liberty take the fight against the politicians' Big Government schemes to the next level and recruit hundreds of thousands of new supporters.

When Dr. Paul announced he was running for President in 2007, few people could have imagined the movement he - and you – would help to create.

You see, Patrick, you are an important part of this movement.

And today, despite all the naysayers, YOU have a very real opportunity to help turn our movement into an even stronger political force in Washington and across the nation through Campaign for Liberty.

And what you and I are able to accomplish in the second half of 2012 will help determine whether our movement is here to stay – or if it's only a blip on the radar as our nation heads further down the statist path.

You and I know the long-term effect we can have, but I'm depending on your support to make it happen.

So please, take a moment to fill out your Supporter's Directive.  And also, please chip in a contribution of $10 TODAY.

Nothing worth achieving is ever easy.  Nor is it free. And as I'm sure you'll agree, restoring real liberty in our time is truly a goal worth achieving.

In Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty

Matt Hawes

Vice President

P.S. Campaign for Liberty supporters are making a real impact.  But you and I have to prove we're here for the long haul.

That's why what Campaign for Liberty can accomplish in the second half of 2012 will help determine whether our movement is here to stay – or if it's only a blip on the radar as our nation heads further down the statist path.

So I urge you to help Campaign for Liberty keep fighting to reclaim our freedoms, stop more Big Government schemes, and grow our movement by filling out your Supporter's Directive and by chipping in a contribution of $10 TODAY.

Don't let this opportunity go to waste!

Sign the Directive