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Congressional Alert: illegals get $4 billion in tax refunds

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation 0 Grassfire Nation Update

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May 25, 2012
As you know, Grassfire Nation and our Liberty News Network have been monitoring a level of fraud so despicable against law-abiding patriots that it is simply too outrageous (and costly) to ignore.

I'm talking about the fact that more than $4 billion of taxpayer dollars were funneled to illegal aliens through IRS tax loopholes in 2010.


These loopholes allow taxes paid by the Bellringer family to be siphoned off by illegals  who are using loopholes in the IRS system to claim numerous dependents -- including nieces and nephews that don't even live in the U.S.


And even though federal bureaucrats have been well aware of the crisis, they have refused to take action! But thanks to the grassroots efforts of citizens across the country, some members of Congress have taken note...

+ + Bill Now In Congress To Stop IRS Rebates For Illegals

In response to rising grassroots outrage to the illegal alien-funding IRS loopholes, the House recently passed a bill to close these loopholes.

But without overwhelming grassroots pressure, Harry Reid will make sure this bill never sees the Senate floor.

That's why Grassfire Nation is moving forward with an urgent petition delivery in the next week to key Senate leaders.

Our records show that you have not yet signed this important petition to close the illegal alien-funding IRS loopholes. To have your voice represented on this issue, go here now to sign the petition:


I have included my original message with more information, including a link to a shocking video expose that reveals the true depths of this issue.

Thanks for taking action.


P.S. For the latest on the recent congressional action, visit Liberty News.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Grassfire has just learned that illegal aliens are receiving billions of dollars of tax credits and refunds from the IRS through loopholes in the tax code -- all funded by taxpayers.

These loopholes allow illegals to even claim child tax credits for relatives living in foreign countries. The total cost of the Illegal alien-funding child tax credit loophole alone totaled $4.2 billion.

Some illegal aliens are receiving $10,000 or more in rebates from the IRS because of these loopholes, claiming 7, 8 or 9 children, nieces or nephews on their tax return -- none of whom reside in the U.S.

+ + IRS Makes It Easy For Illegals To Bilk System

You may be wondering how illegal aliens -- who do not even have a Social Security number -- can even file the tax return necessary to get a tax refund. Our geniuses in the federal bureaucracy have taken care of this. The IRS conveniently provides illegals with what is called an "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number" (ITIN) so they can file their tax returns and claim tax credits and refunds.

According to one report out of Indiana, several illegal aliens each listed one residence on their tax return and together claimed more than two dozen relatives for their tax credits -- and it is unlikely that any of those relatives or the people who filed the returns actually lived at the address. Go here to watch the shocking report on the illegal alien-funding tax loophole.

+ +Tell Congress And Obama: Close The Illegal Alien-Funding IRS Loopholes

If there ever were an issue that deserved unanimous, bi-partisan support, it is this one. Congress simply must immediately close the illegal alien-funding IRS loophole that is funneling our tax dollars to illegal aliens who have broken our laws and are abusing the tax code to their benefit.

Grassfire Nation is collecting petitions from citizens who oppose this Illegal Alien-funding IRS Loophole and will deliver petitions to leaders in Congress. Simply go here to add your name to the petition to stop illegal aliens from receiving $4.2 billion in taxpayer-funded tax credits:

Again, this is an issue that should be beyond debate. Under no circumstances should illegal aliens be able to receive tax credits and refunds.

Please sign the petition and then alert your friends.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation 

P.S. Grassfire's Liberty News service has filed an even more complete report on the illegal alien-funding tax loophole. Go here for that full report and then sign the petition.


+ + + + +Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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