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LaRaza banking on 'political poison' to destroy Sheriff Joe

Grassfire Nation Update

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May 17, 2012

Announcing that he is "not going to surrender [his] office to the federal government," an angry Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio concluded, "I will fight to the bitter end."

For months now, the territorial battle between Sheriff Joe and the U.S. Department of Justice as been building to a slow boil. But late last week, amidst intense pressure from numerous hispanic activist groups like LaRaza, the DOJ filed suit against the Sheriff and his department alleging they racially profiled latinos in violation of civil rights laws.

The suit comes as Sheriff Joe is vying for his sixth term as a sheriff, and while his popularity seems to be holding steady, Luis Heredia, the executive director of the Arizona Democratic party says, "the litigation has a price tag that is political poison."

National Counsel of LaRaza chairman Daniel Ortega thinks the poison may already be taking hold saying, "[Arpaio's] house of cards is crumbling ... because the public did not say that we need to do something about the people coming into the country illegally by being downright hateful and operating totally outside of the law."

What Ortega doesn't say is that for years LaRaza has been targeting Arpaio lobbying the Obama administration and the DOJ to take him down.

Now in the midst of his own reelection, Obama appears to be listening. Speaking at LaRaza's national conference in Washington, D.C. last July, he said, "I need a dance partner" to fix the immigration system. His comments brought thunderous applause... He's no doubt hoping for more than applause from them come Election Day.

Even the Senate Judiciary is getting in on the attacks. Chairman Patrick Leahy, is calling for a full investigation into Arpaio's tactics including his use of federal funds.

According to Arpaio supporters, this is a politically motivated witch hunt designed to remove a beloved and dedicated law professional from office.

That's why Grassfire Nation has gotten involved.

In the absence of federal enforcement of existing immigration laws, we applaud Sheriff Arpaio and his office for their dedication and efforts and have created a unique platform for patriots from around the nation to show their support.

Confronting these aggressive assaults, Grassfire is calling on those who have already signed our petition to do two things:

+ + Schedule Personalized Letters to your Lawmakers

We are calling on key members of our team to schedule personalized letters that will be hand-delivered to your two South Dakota Senators, Representative and other key leaders demanding an end to this politically motivated witch hunt against Sheriff Joe.

Go here now to schedule your letters for immediate delivery.

Coupled with more than 100,000 petitions, we believe American patriots can alleviate pressure and end the poitical hunt to destroy Sheriff Joe.

What's happening in Arizona to Sheriff Joe impacts every law abiding citizen regardless in what state you live. Removing a dedicated lawman who making a positive impact in the battle to protect our borders and way of life would throw open the door to a massive influx of lawlessness and unmitigated border crossings that could end up impacting South Dakota.

Go here now to schedule your personalized letters for fast delivery to your two South Dakota Senators and Congressman as well as key members in both the House and Senate demanding immediate action to end this assault on Arpaio.

+ + Alert your Friends to Sign our Petition

After scheduling your letters for fast delivery, alert your friends and family, urging them to sign our national petition by going here.

Given the recent DOJ lawsuit and calls for an investigation by leading Democrats, Grassfire Nation is announcing an Emergency petition delivery to the DOJ and both the Senate and House Judiciary Committees just as soon as we eclipse 150,000 petitions.

Right now we are about 20,000 shy of that goal and could use your help in rallying critically needed extra support.

Thanks for taking action.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. As soon as we reach 150,000 petitions, we will hand-deliver them to the DOJ as well as the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Please encourage your friends to go here to sign:


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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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