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Pressure to Kill Death Tax Building

Grassfire Nation Update

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May 16, 2012

The Daily Caller is reporting that House Republican freshmen are behind an aggressive push to get Speaker John Boehner to “bring a full repeal of the federal estate tax (death tax) to a vote on the House floor.

As we’ve explained before, the so-called Death Tax is a punitive tax that not only kills jobs, but it can torpedo and destroy small, family businesses, farms and ranches -- many that have been passed down through generations!

Now with President Obama’s plan to take an even bigger slice of the pie from hard-working Americans through a dramatic increase in the Estate Tax rate from 35 percent to 55 percent -- it makes this latest news all the more exciting!

But it gets even better!

The Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2011 (H.R. 1259) currently has 206 House co-sponsors -- including four Democrats -- “ensuring easy passage in the GOP dominated House.

+ + Grassroots pressure mounting

GOP freshman class president Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) wrote a letter to the Speaker, we “are eager to present a clear cut choice to voters: Support the Republican plan to bury the death  tax or support Democrats’ plan  to hike the death tax to a crushing 45 percent, or higher.”

Scott continued, “60-70 percent of voters want the death tax buried permanently.”

Is Scott’s letter to Boehner due to growing pressure from grassroots Americans? We believe so.

Americans -- especially mature Americans who have worked long and hard to leave a financial legacy to their loved ones aren’t interested in having Obama and his minions take what isn’t theirs, and they are saying as much through phone calls and petitions.

That’s why Grassfire Nation teamed with Conservative 50 Plus, a fast-growing, conservative alliance for mature Americans who embrace the principles of limited government and free market values.

Their national petition calling for an end to the Death Tax is the perfect platform to react and respond -- to move Congress to action!

If you haven’t yet signed this important petition, please do so now by going here:

Conservative 50 Plus is poised to hand-deliver tens of thousands of “End the Death Tax” petitions TO HOUSE SPEAKER BOEHNER’S OFFICE in what will be a massive grassroots show of support.

But to find success, it’s vital that American patriots take a stand against Obama’s scheme to carve more of your hard-earned money to support his statist agenda!

Take action now by clicking below:

After signing, alert your friends, encouraging them to follow your lead by signing and allowing Conservative 50 Plus to represent them on Capitol Hill during this important upcoming petition delivery.

Help Conservative 50 Plus to reach 75,000 signatures before the end of the month to make a powerful statement to Speaker Boehner. Have you friends click below to be included:

Thank you in advance for taking a stand with Grassfire Nation and Conservative 50 Plus to end the Death Tax.

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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