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Jennifer Dalven, ACLU

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May 10, 2012

What's the matter with Kansas? We've been asking ourselves that question a lot lately.

Here's why: The Kansas Senate is poised to send Governor Sam Brownback a 70-page bill that is one of the most far reaching assaults on women's access to health care that we've ever seen.

The ACLU's advocates and activists have been working overtime to stem the tide of dangerous bills attacking women's reproductive rights in state after state. Now, we need the voices of people all across the country to help stop this bill in Kansas. Tell Governor Brownback and Kansas senators: Enough is enough. Women's health care should be above politics. (Do not forward: This link will open a page with your information already filled in. To spread the word, use the icons below.)

Pressure from inside and outside of the state has helped slow this bill down before, but now it is moving — and quickly — and we need your help to put an end to it once and for all.

Here are just a few examples of what this legislation would do:

  • Let a doctor lie to a patient. The bill would provide legal protection to a doctor who discovers that a baby will be born with a devastating condition and deliberately withholds that information from his patient because he doesn't want her to seek an abortion.
  • Attempt to scare women by forcing doctors to tell their patients about a non-existent link between breast cancer and abortion, a link that medical experts roundly rejected.
  • Require public hospitals to turn away a sick woman who desperately needs an abortion to prevent serious harm to her health.

Send a message to Governor Brownback and members of the Kansas Senate. Tell them enough is enough.

You can count on the ACLU to fight wherever and whenever reproductive freedom is threatened — putting legal teams and advocates on the ground in all 50 states. And together, we will work around the clock to defend reproductive freedom. Millions of women are counting on your active involvement.

Thank you for standing with us.


Jennifer Dalven

Director, Reproductive Freedom Project