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Obama's $8.3 billion scheme to secure the senior vote

Grassfire Nation Update

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May 7, 2012

With the gutting of Medicare Advantage and the forcing of seniors into a government run system just prior to Election Day, President Obama has a plan to avoid the angry fallout of the move and still secure the senior vote!


According to numerous reports, the Obama administration has devised a devilish scheme to postpone the savage cuts to reimbursement rates for one year by “spending $8 billion to temporarily restore Medicare Advantage,” and thus avoiding a political tsunami from angry seniors until after Election Day.


One doesn’t need perfect vision to see through Obama’s tissue-paper thin veneer on the scheme, the real question is where is the money coming from?


Given the fact that the U.S. is $15 trillion in debt and financially strapped, Obama is going to divert money from Health and Human Services (HHS) specifically “demonstration projects.”


Of course on its face this is illegal. So Obama and his minions have plotted to give it an above board appearance while avoiding the need for Congressional approval.


Their plan is to tap the HHS to conduct what is being described as an “experiment” to study the effect of $8 billion on the insurance market.”


But what they will really be studying is the impact this money has on Obama’s re-election campaign come Election Day!


+ + Will Obama Buy Your Vote?


During his four years in office, Obama has done much to usurp our established political system for his own gain.


Now left unchecked, Obama will again pillage the taxpayers and manipulate those on Medical Advantage -- all for his own political gain.


As citizens we cannot allow this to go unchecked.


That’s why Grassfire Nation has teamed with Conservative 50 Plus, a fast growing organization that is mobilizing mature patriots to stand against the injustice and immorality that is ObamaCare by faxng their outrage and demands for a full investigation directly to House leadership, including both the House Oversight and Government Reform committee and the House subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.


Go here now to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:


As Ed Morrissey of wrote, this is an $8 billion dollar “slush fund to fake out seniors.”


Don’t allow Obama to pull the wool over the eyes of mature Americans, manipulating them on his way to a second term.


Demand a full and thorough investigation into this colossal misuse of taxpayer funds.


Schedule your faxes today:


Grassfire Nation has formed a unique partnership with Conservative 50+ -- a proactive organization committed to giving mature Americans a platform, a forum with which to voice their objection to a loss of liberty, of personal freedom in their healthcare decisions.


Again, thank you for taking a stand with Grassfire Nation and Conservative 50 Plus.


Grassfire Nation

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